I would like Bethesda to go a lot more in-depth regarding just how "dynamic" their dialogue system is at some point in the near future. Are we going to be able to alter it in settings? If so what in particular are we going to be permitted to alter?
Personally I would like the ability to select an entirely different, more traditional Bethesda-style dialogue system as we seen in their previous titles (as in being totally silent and responding by selecting text options), but I'm aware that's almost an impossibility given the time and resources they have (tragically, in my opinion) spent on recording the dialogue for the male and female protagonists.
Another, perhaps more likely, option I would desperately like to see would be the option to toggle the full line of dialogue we're about to select to display in the options wheel. I have no idea who figured that vague contractions would be a superior alternative to just displaying the full short sentences but those people should probably never again be in charge (or have any input in) of dialogue systems.
It was hinted at that we could participate in dialogue in both first and third person, but does this mean the entire conversation will take place in these views if selected? Every conversation so far shown seems to have exhibited the mini-cutscene views of switching between the conversing characters' faces. If I select the first person option (should one exist), will the entire conversation play out in first person, or will it still switch at opportune moments?
I'm aware mods can potentially remedy a number of these concerns at some point, but I'm unlikely to be able to run the PC version for some time, and I'm still quite convinced console mods are going to be little more than cosmetic add-on money generators.
Uncertainty over the dialogue system is one of the main things stopping me from pre-ordering this game right now, petty as it may seem.