Horrible frame rate on good hardware

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:02 pm

Ever since I got Fallout 4 I've been plagued with a host of performance issues. My rig has a GTX 970, 8 gigs of ram, and an i5 4590 yet I couldn't even get much above 40 FPS while running this game. When outside of Diamond City, or within it for that matter, my framerate becomes an unbearable/unplayable 15-20 FPS. I've tried every solution under the sun: changing the iPresetinterval to 0, playing in windowed borderless mode, changing vsync to adaptive, and to no avail. Please someone help, I'm desperate here and Bethesda support hasn't been helpful in the slightest.

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Big Homie
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:13 am


i7 - 4702MQ 2.2GHz (reaches 2.8 at times)

Nvidia GTX760M / 2GB GDDR5


MSI Laptop

I'm think I'm experiencing the same thing you are. After playing the game for about 8-10 minutes, my framerate drops dramatically. I've watched my CPU performance while in windowed mode and I noticed that the CPU speed drops below 1 GHz after this 8-10 minute timeframe. I'm not really a techy individual, but I'm thinking it's a heat issue. When my PC is cool and the game boots up, the average CPU speed is between 1.9-2.8 GHz, which obviously causes the PC to heat up. The only thing I can think of is that the CPU has to drop performance in order to prevent heat-up. I ordered a strong cooling pad for my laptop, so hopefully this can keep the PC at a reasonable temperature. Maybe my issue has something to do with what you're dealing with? Best of luck.

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Justin Hankins
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:48 pm

same here, wasteland outside of boston was fine (40-50fps), but the main city is almost unplayble (15-25 fps)

I also made thread about this: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1548278-huge-fps-drops-in-leexington-and-boston/

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:07 am

I'm having the same issue. Solid 60 fps outside the city. As soon as I get in the city fps is all over the place, many places dip down to ~20.

I've turned down some settings and tried a few tweaks. Not much helping.

This is on an i7 3770 with a 780ti Classified @ 1440p. I really expected far better performance considering Skyrim runs at a solid 60fps maxed out with loads of graphics mods.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 3:45 pm

Hi FunJoe,
Listen, changing the iPresetInterval to 0 will remove the game's framerate cap.
This is a bad thing and will fook up the game's physics.
If your rig will do 60 FPS minimums, the cap can be raised to 120 FPS by setting iPresetInterval to 2.
But you should probably leave it at 1...
I know how to solve your probs temporarily, until new game patches and vidcard drivers are released in a week or ten days.
Go into nVidia Control Panel and select Manage 3D Settings.
Adjust the Global Settings. (Most of your games will run better/faster.)

Ambient Occlusion: Performance
Anisotropic Filtering: App Control
Antialiasing (next five): Off
CUDA - GPUs: All
Maximum Pre-Rendered Frames: App Control
Multi-display/Mixed-GPU acceleration: Single display performance mode
Power Management mode: Adaptive (I never have probs using this setting).
Shader Cache: On
Anisotropic Sample Optimization: On
Negative LOD Bias: Allow
Texture Filtering Quality: High Performance (for now).
Trilinear Optimization: On
Threaded Optimization: Auto
Vertical Sync: Adaptive. This turns VSync off if your FPS ever goes below 60. Which it is definitely doing, heheh...

Close the Panel and reboot. Your rig is lean & mean, right? Nothing else running while trying to game?
Select No Antialiasing from within the game's video setup (for now) and select maybe Medium video preset.
All this should give you at least 60 FPS, and minimums rarely less than that...
(If so, you can try High preset.)
Between now and Christmas, hopefully we can all get back to some Antialiasing etc.
But for now, let's see if your game will run fast and stable. Fun!
It'll still look okay.
Let us know how you're doing,
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:19 pm

Thanks for the info.

I may give those settings a try.

At the moment I just lowered Shadow Distance and Godray quality to Medium. This gave me a huge bump. Prior to I was getting 20 to 30 in the area of Good Neighbor. Once changing those settings it's 50 to 60.

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