What age should NPCs be considered advlts?

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:57 pm

To an extent. You can't drive or buy alcohol at that age, nor can you star in pormography if you were so inclined (there are also huge limits on what an under 18 can expose on TV).

And whilst you can join the army, I don't think they actually let you see deployment until after 18. The UN have actually complained that it violates their child soldier laws.

In reality, nobody considers a 16 year old an advlt.

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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:37 pm

Hm but age of consent in UK is at 16.

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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:10 pm

In America you can be tried as an advlt at 14. You could even petition the court before 18 to have you be emancipated from your parents. Drink at 21, Drive at 16 (most states), Join army at 18. smoke at 18 in most states but I saw CA or NY was thinking of raising it to 21. Gamble at 21. Rent a car at 25. And those are the standard models each state sets many of its own laws on these things but the feds will apply pressure like holding road funds if you didn't raise the drinking age to 21

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:04 pm

That doesn't mean they'll let you do everything though. They just pegged it at the age that girls were roughly mature enough to birth a child without dying so they could crack down on child prostitution. 18 is more commonly seen as the age of advlthood, which is why they won't let you star in advlt films until then.

Bethesda seems to agree with you though, since they let you murder Sticky if you're so inclined. :P

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Sophie Miller
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:14 pm

Games have to pay attention to modern sensibilities, but in the Wasteland if you are able to do a full days work and pull your weight, then you are advlt.

People may not give you as much respect as Grand Ma Hackett, but she has lived four times as long as you.

Come back when you have a little more of an advlt track record.

With civilization, we have the luxury of letting our kids have an extended childhood, but the equipment is all there because for the longest time we didn't have the luxury.

Or I'll put it this way, if you are in the Wasteland with a spare rifle and ammo and have a 14 year old boy traveling with you, would you or would you not all things being equal, give him the weapon to carry?

I wouldn't let him out of my sight until I was sure he could handle it, but I wouldn't have let him out of my sight if he was unarmed.

And I certainly wouldn't let a girl go unarmed if I thought she was old enough to be able to handle it.

I think Bethesda is handling it right by having little kids and older teenagers and skipping the tweens/preteens/young teens.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:40 pm

Everyone should be kill-able. I want to fight raiders in their early teens. Make a statement.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:07 pm

There will be a mod for it.

Bethesda: We create great sand boxes so you can do what ever you want no matter how twisted. Have fun :smile:

The Thomas the Tank engine Skyrim mod still makes me shudder!

And I'm still trying to forget the Skyrim My Little Pony Dragon Mod. :(

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:21 pm

id bet you see nobody between 13 and 18, basically kids and advlts. i went for 16 basing it on at what age id give someone a gun instead of telling them to hide if raiders arrived. id say 'advlt' is very flexible in the fallout world with most kids been armed and working from about 13 but not been given full advlthood till maybe 18/19, that dose not mean you will not have 14 year old bandits or kids of 10 working as 'apprentice' in workshops

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Danii Brown
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:47 am

Well the only way we know what the age of the residents of Big Town is that they weren't kicked out of Little Lamplight until after their eighteenth birthday.

Checking Fallout Wiki I find that Angela Staley of Gary's Galley is age 16. Diego is 18.

And since she is not essential, works full time at Gary's Galley, and is able to get married, I guess in Fallout you can consider 16 year olds advlt.

That seems fair to me.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:11 pm

"Sticky states that his age is 18. Everybody else says he is 16. In 2277, he is forced to leave, as all children of Little Lamplight must eventually do once they reach the age of 16."

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Timara White
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:11 pm

They should be killable even when their teenagers.

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Brιonα Renae
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 3:42 pm

That's out of the question by Bethesda, the topic is what age should they be considered advlts.

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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:34 pm

While i am not against being able to kill characters aged say 16, any bellow that goes to close to being a kid in my opinion, and even then i feel like there should always be a high cost to killing such characters, like the childkiller perk of old making people hate you the rest of the game. A big chunck of karma, and a good rep deduction are a first step, but even that isnt enought i think.

But for the age the are supposed to be considered advlt, that is 18 i guess. All over the real world, age of consent tends to be up and about 18 years or higher, with those who are exceptions often looked upon as barbaric society's.

Legaly BGS can not get away with much on this point either, if they made killing kids posible, they would get their game banned in several countries i am pretty sure.

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