I just played Fallout 1

u got Title Fallout
u got wasteland
so why wont u make it like Fallout 1/2 ???????
See! see how many skills there are ! in F3 u got some and u rise them to lvl 100 in no time
in f1 there [censored]load of them so u can choose! u can edit your char more like you!
and btw Fallout 1 art is petter the pipboy is yellow ( in paper ) but in F3 its Green ( or other ) but i like the paper ver ;D and Everything has its own pipboy art! (THATS [censored] epic )
Gambling skill would come handy in F:nv

and there should be more perks ... cooler perks
oh and more weapons [censored]load of new weapons + old ones = epic ( i see ur fixing it )
oh and plz make the game harder ! its almost impossible to die :S
its sad that u get nice weapons so fast and the power armor is so easy to get and if u get it u look kinda weird ( its cool ofc) but u too strong :S
and no [censored] DLC ( only if its free ) game has no Multiplayer so its easy to download .. so dont milk people with DLC
and the player custom look ( orsm ) make more hair styles for girlz ( well i like to play with female ;D so i want myself look hot ;D ( im guy ) )
in F3 there were bad hair customation :S:S:S:S longer hairs or somthing so u look better not like something like Raider :S u should look better in guy well u take the sharp cut or smthing
and the Speech skill should come more handy
oh and make the player weaker because ur too strong in game even with VERY HARD its too easy :S same mistake in oblivion but in oblivion if u choose VERY HARD its kinda hard ;D but make the player weaker even at EASY in F:NV
and well i recommend u play Fallout 1/2 ( even gamesas developers so u can make it like Fallout 1 because ur doing Fallout game so it should look like it )
well thats what i think !