So, here's my first bug on the "not-severe-but-unbearably-annoying" list that I make with every single Gamebryo/Bethesda game I play:
It doesn't seem to make that much of a difference, but the blur's also present during closeups and such which kinda ruins any cinematic conversation when everything but the person you're directly looking at isn't all blurry and stuff.
I've scoured the internet and found out that people have a similar issue to mine, albeit occuring constantly in game rather than just during those little cinematic conversations (which I really like, so I have no intention to turn them off). I've tried the two rimod 00094636 and rimod 002041B6 console commands, but they fix anything and here I am, reaching out to y'all guys and gals to give me a helping hand... somehow.
Or for our buddies over at Bethesda to fix it themselves, either way works lol.