"Optional" Settlements and Horrible Minutemen Questl

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:27 pm

Am I and my bestfriend the only ones completely sick of the pathetic Minutemen and their crappy questlines? Before the game came out Bethesda promised that the Settlement system was "optional" and that you could beat the game without having to do it. Well, it seems to me that you have to at least build sanctuary a little before you do anything. You can't refuse to join the Minutemen even if you choose no, and Preston "Gravy" is probably one of the worst characters in video game history.

All he does is complain that he needs more help, saying that "scouts" have found more settlement places and people who need help. Where are these scouts? The Minutmen are useless except for the flare gun which I've never used. My bestfriend has been sent to Oberland Station 5 times in a row, to help the same 2 sisters fight raiders from the same location within 2 days. No matter what he does, Preston Gravy always has another crappy quest for him. I heard he never shuts up until you've 100% the map, which is honestly pretty crap.


I hate that you HAVE to join the minutemen no matter what, they're the worst faction in my opinion. The Brotherhood gives you free power armor, the Railroad gives you a pistol and you can pick a nickname for yourself AND the Railroad Rifle, the Institute gives you a place to live and I don't know what else since I haven't officially joined them yet.

Come on Bethesda, don't promise that something is optional, and then constantly shove it in our face. I thought this game was all about freedom, but I can't even kill Sturges, or Marcy Long, or Preston. Why are they invincible? Marcy doesn't even give you any quests, she's not an essential NPC!

Okay, rant over.

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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:22 pm

You don't have to join them though. Just say no when Preston Garvey asks you. I am in agreement though. The concept for the Minutemen is quite interesting, but the execution is poor. The other factions feels more fleshed out and all have this greyish tone to them. Which actually makes you think about the choices you make with them. Minutemen is very White Knights with no depth or conflict. It doesn't help that Preston Garvey has the personality of a tato.

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Claudia Cook
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:07 am

I never joined the minutemen, just said no when he asked and then never talks to him again, same thing with settlements, dont see the problem.
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:41 pm

u really dont need to do anything on those settlements if u do the quest, quest is go kill the raiders or go clean the ghouls from that part. After that u can leave the settlement.

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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:48 am

missions are a bit repetitive, BoS has repetitive never ending missions but you have to go get those they dont just tell you when you pass by. Used the flare once, thier other special is mega awesome but i never use it as most outside fights are easy and if not you dont know untill it's too late and you'd have to sneak up pretty close or have a better throwing arm for the smoke grenades anyway. they give you a pretty good piece of armor. maybe 2nd best in the game if you like light sneak stuff not total damage resistance.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:23 pm

Yeah I hate their questline. They was wasted potential to be a great faction instead it 's a old drug addict woman, Preston and everyone else just nagging and crying.

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Steve Bates
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:28 pm

Yeah i'm getting annoyed with their constant side quests filling up my to do list. Wish I never accepted helping them. I took the Castle back, but i'm never going there again. Got 4 quests added without even doing anything. So i reloaded and they are now officially on their own. I'm abandoning the Minutemen cause. I only wanted to help the survivors in Concord, never wanted to get involved with all this extra crap. I just needed sanctuary to store all my extra crap.

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sarah taylor
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:14 pm

Wait, really? I heard that you were forced to join them even if you say no. Well phooey, kind of wants me to start over my second playthrough and refuse to join them.

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Verity Hurding
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:59 pm

Yeah, i'm doing it now so i never have to do it again :hehe:

And what's the range of the artillery? 50 meters? :lmao:
(That's roughly 150 feet for you Americans.)
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:41 pm

The minutemen need too much baby sitting for the one group out to help others.

Their missions are timed too, which they shouldn't be, you ought to be able to lead the troops and equip them with better gear to do the missions for you.

Kinda like Assasin's creed in a way.

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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:02 pm

The factions were really disappointing in this game. Without posting spoilers, the ending for the institute was very--bland. Was expecting some awesome stuff after the main quest, and it never continued. Like a cliffhanger without any intention to clear up the questions about the institute. I really like the way the railroad went. If I could force myself to agree with their views (which I just can't) their style is extremely fun. Very james bond like. Brotherhood, just doesn't make sense in this game. A faction based on getting technology, wants to destroy all the institute with the most advanced tech in the post war world rather than stealing it. Minutemen are also like the previous posters stated, very very very bland. Really good potential but man did it fall flat.

Conclusion: Railroad is the only decently fleshed out faction. From how you find them, to their style of quests that make you feel like james bond. However, the whole "Free the synths!" mission statement that they have i just can't bring myself to get behind. IF only the minutemen or another faction made you feel james bond ish. I ended up going with the institute, which was extremely promising at first but again, fell flat.

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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:24 pm

I have to agree that the execution of the Minutemen is rather poor. Infinite quests is a great thing to do, but, since they're time limited, we should have to ask for a quest not just get given one every time we report the last one complete. They should also complete when we report back to the settlement instead of having to return to Preston.

Hopefully, this'll be patched soon.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:07 am

The Minutemen are not even a real faction here IMO. They are more of a feature unlocker and FO4's variant of Yes-man ending than anything else. IMO, it would have been better if there were less settlements but that they were more interesting and had actual stories attacked to them... and reconquest of Quincy should have been a quest!

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