150 hrs, and still in the main quest line.
While the OP has clearly limited their play-through by focusing on one faction,
Fallout 4 is objectively not 'short' on content.
49 hours is short? Mate, you have some strange standards.
What's with these people who finish the main quest to brag about how quickly they can finish the game, then complain that 100 hours is too short LOL?! I suppose Halo 5 and the latest COD have more than 100 hours campaign.
In Fallout 5 they will make it a 5 hour campaign and see how these people like it then.
I'm 120 hours in, done the main quest and mostly every sidequest. Still lots of the map I haven't seen yet, but I think I'll save that for my next playthrough
Iam at about 85-90 hours... and still not finished the main quest..
85 hour here and still hanging around Concord.
I guess you can complete the main quest pretty quickly. At the moment I'm role-playing searching for Shaun as quickly as possible. I've busted through Act 1 like a madman (as I would be in that situation). Act 2 has just started and given the revelations that Kellogg gave I'm role-playing that my character is confused and is trying to make sense of a lot of things. He's gone back to the Red Rocket to start building it up while he gets his head straight. Then he's going to investigate the BoS Airship. Once he's done that he'll likely get stuck into Act 2 as he gets a grip on things and blasts through Act 2. Once he discovers the truth he will likely go through another period of confusion where he wanders and keeps himself busy while he comes to terms with what he's learnt. Once he's explored the Wasteland for a while and started understanding each faction his loyalties will settle and he'll head towards endgame.
I can see myself getting a lot of time out of this game as I've only just finished Act 1 and I'm ten hours into this character.
I think I went 40 hours straight at one point not doing anything in the main quest. I just left it at the agency and went out and explored the world.
I don't understand this.
First playthrough - 85 hours. Probably 4 hours of that was settlement building.
Did the main quest and the railroad.
Completed lots of side quests, but still had tons in my Pipboy.
Never even visited the northeast or southeast portions of the map.
Still have undiscovered locations in Boston.
And you CAN complete the main quest too fast in Fallout 4 - in the since that a lot of quests and sidequests become permanently unavailable past certain points in the main quest line. Let yourself get distracted and wander off the beaten path.