So i cannot play fallout on fullscreen which is obviously annoying as it is unplayable. I have a 4k screen and even 1080p window is tiny. I suspect that it is due to the graphics proccesor conflicting. I have intel graphics HD 4600 and gtx 960m. If i disable the intel graphics i cannot access the nvidia control panel as it says my display is not attached to nvidia GPU, which makes no sense since i have it. The game is just black screen in fullscreen and when i click the black screen it crashes by saying fallout4.exe stopped working (when both graphics are on) if either of them are off the game works but in case of leacing gtx on i can only play in 4k which is laggy as hell. when i turn off the geforce card it is laggy in like 720p. IS there anything i can do?
Intresting remark: in safe mode my screen is acting as if the intel GPU got disbaled
Things i tried:
Update drivers (both intel and nvidia)
Uninstall geforce experience install old drivers
DDU uninstall install new drivers
In Nvidia control panel say that fallout4.exe should be take care of only by nvidia graphics card.