(Spoiler) Molecular level

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:53 pm

Im probably just doing something terribly wrong, I haven't messed around with power and attaching wires until now really, I've re done this a few times and cannot figure out for the life of me what I'm doing wrong, sturges says everything looks okay then I go stand on the platform and the quest marker changes back to sturges and when I go up to him he says the same thing over and over. I'll post a link to a video of what I'm talking about, I just have a feeling I'm doing something wrong but Im hoping my game isnt bugged.

When I remove all the objects the markers stay where the objects that I removed were.

Probably wont be able to see anything much from the video as I can only post a 30 second video but does anyone have any tips or a video guide for this? I havent been able to find one.


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Albert Wesker
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:57 am

I had the same problem, when I placed the console too far away from the platform. They need to be close enouh together, or Sturges will 'think' that you changed your mind.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:19 pm

I found a video guide and remade it again following exactly what the guy did, now when I go talk to sturges he just gives me information on where to find the supplies I need to build the objects.. This is so Damn frustrating.
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:13 pm

Loot your fallen foes, even the machine guns.
I got lots of military grade circuit boards out of those.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:24 pm

Easily the most frustrating moment of Fallout 4 for me. The way I got it is, I used 7 Generators and had everything lined up in a row. That was about 2 hours later and I also turned the PS4 off for the night out of frustration. I don't understand how that quest got past Q&A, I don't mind stuff being vague but I hate how there's no hint and that it's all trial and error which is just stupid.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:25 pm

But I already have everything built, hooked up everything properly, I actually did end up finding a video guide and followed the exact same steps as he did and it didn't work for me but worked for him.
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kirsty williams
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 4:13 am

This quest alone made me quit this game. I have zero interest in a Fallout Sim City. Why they thought it needed to be included in a mandatory quest to be able to proceed in the main story is beyond me. I had collected zero peices of junk so was unable to build this stupid signal interceptor. I would have to spend hours finding all this [censored]. At least put us in an area with all the required nuts and bolts to assemble the stupid thing.
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 3:35 pm

I'm about to give up as well, I have everything set up EXACTLY like everyone does in all the videos. Sturges tells me to go stand on the platform then when I go over there he says "don't worry about it there's plenty of stuff we have to tweak" then the marker goes back over to sturges again, I go up there and he says it's ready and to go stand on the platform again... So fking frustrating.
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Matt Terry
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 4:02 am

I finally figured it out lmao, it was because the stairs sturges used to get up to the roof wouldn't let him down to go to the control panel for some reason, soon as I moved them he walked right down the stairs and started with the control panel. Now I just have really hard decisions to make since I'm there.
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:51 am

You didn't collect junk to fix up your weapons?

Or your armor?

Or do anything?

Junk isn't 100% settlements.

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neil slattery
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:06 am

Not a single peice of junk except pre-war money. Was not investing time or perks related. I enjoyed the game until this point, then Beth inexplicable decided to make a very optional part that they themselves said was optional into something very mandatory. I am sure there is another way around it and hopefully someone posts it.
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