So skyrim's perk system was a horrid mess of imbalance, powergaming, and remover of choice and freedom. Never do it again.
Now, we want interesting perks. Stuff like
-Mysterious stranger
- Canibalism
- Bloody mess
- Brutality
- Child at heart (but really, Only use that to make it interesting. No little lamplight Perk-or-GTFO and do a sidequest kind of thing. Something like encouraging a child to put c4 a present under daddy's chair)
- Black widow/ladykiller.
- Pointless things like doing fancy tricks to pump your shotgun, or being able to bite in melee.
- things that get you unique dialogue. Like making yourself 'All american' and become the terrible 50's american parody with a shiney white grin,misplaced optimism, love of apple pie and fear of comunism that fallout mocks.
- Being able to use stats like charisma in combat to intimidate the enemy
- Abilities like taking a human shield, falling attacks, throwing away your empty clips/weapons at the enemy to stun them, the ability to target the testicles in vats.
And if you;re currently putting in perks for weapons:
- Never put any big jumps into weapon damage. A 9mm doesn't get more powerful just because it's you using it. Weapon accuracy and reload speed is doable though. For melee weapons, your swings might be a bit more powerful once you learn how to swing, but power is going to peak at novice. After that it's all about accuracy and defense.