Goody two-shoes (well, not completely - wiping out raiders, slavers etc. without mercy is kind of a thing for me in such games like Fallout)...I'd love to have a go with the Enclave though (because I don't think they are really evil - misguided maybe, though I'd say they do what they think is right because despite their technology (they are the most advanced faction we have seen so far - the only ones possibly eclipsing them are the aliens (which aren't a real faction as you can't interact with them - just fight them) and The Institute!), they have limited numbers and in order to bring civilization back, they'd have to take drastic measures (they can't conquer the wasteland by traditional means - the brotherhood tried that when they fought the NCR and despite their technological (and tactical) advantages they lost and the Enclave would face the same (ultimately - they might even succeed for a short time as they are better equipped than the brotherhood is)...most of their soldiers couldn't beat a deathclaw or a supermutant (power armor or not) in single combat after all and even with all their forces they couldn't face a real army with extreme numerical superiority (like the Legion or the NCR)...yes it's unfair and underhand, but it's a sound military strategy to use biological or nuclear weapons etc. if you can't beat an enemy conventionally and - call me a cold SOB - wouldn't the wasteland be better off with all the mutants dead and civilization restored?...yes, killing of that many people/beings is very amoral, but wouldn't it be better for humanity as a whole to have them gone?))...I just don't want to wipe out the brotherhood (despite their flaws I respect them!)...well, we'll see how it goes 
Still, I'll start of with a male character (probably) with no beard (I'd love to be able to get rid of my own permanently -.-), green eyes and either red or black hair and fair skin, I'll go for intelligence, charisma and probably perception as my main stats (and I will chose my other stats accordingly - science, repair, lockpicking, speech etc.) - meaning more or less a kind of nerd as a character
(it suits my style of play: I'd rather not attack/confront people directly - I rather hack their turrets/robots to wipe them out or convince them that I am ok and don't need to be fought)
Well, that's it...
greets LAX
ps: Or I'll go the old "Jack of all traits - master of all" route (meaning: A cheated character - all stats etc. to I play for the story and not for a feeling of achievement or anything)!