Will I be able to use my xbox one controller to play fallout 4 on my PC ?
Will I be able to use my xbox one controller to play fallout 4 on my PC ?
Yes. You may however need to purchase or download the software to run the controller. My X-Box 360 controller came with a disk that installed it on my PC, keep in mind however that I purchased a brand new controller just for PC gaming.
I though skyrim had built-in support for the xbox controller? If that was the case, I can't see them removing that for FO:4......
probably, even if it isn't there off the bat you could probably still reconfigure the controls for it. if that doesn't come through then mods will probably handle it, and if all else fails something like http://www.oneswitch.org.uk/2/I/JoyToKey/JoyToKey.htm will fix it
I don't see why not?
worked for skyrim and NV at least on PC
My usb wired XBOX controller plugs right in and plays just fine. Just pop that svcker in and most games that are controller compatible sync it.
That's amazingly convenient.
Still, I prefer mouse and keyboard, it's what I am used to. That, and I flat out svck with a controller.....
For me, some games are good with keyboard and mouse, some are better with controller.
Dragon Age Inquisition? Horrible on Mouse and Keyboard. Perfect with controller.
Fallout 3/NV? Played them first on Console, so I have a preference.
Well said He-Who-Remains. I have also played Dragon Age and felt the gameplay was better with a controller.
The reason I was asking if Fallout 4 would be compatible on a xbox controller is because I played FO/3 and NV on console and to be honest I just got too used to the feel of the controller for this game.
Thanks everyone for your input on this matter, it is greatly appreciated .
I'm pretty sure my XB1 Controller For PC, just auto-downloaded the drivers when I plugged it in. (Windows 7).
Oh, right! OP - the XB1 controller only connects to the PC by wire at the moment. No wireless yet.
My XB1 controller auto synced when I play DA inquisition. So maybe just plug and play hopefully.
ok xbox one controller is Microsoft product if your using windows they might have pushed drivers too people with windows update, i had to download them manually for my computer.
wireless will come in this fall/winter 2015
this took 20secs to find.