Completely unwinnable for me

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:37 pm

The game is a complete mess for me. At first it started with objects falling through the floor occasionally, and dead robots clipping on the floor making odd noises. Then after killing Kellogg, I am unable to use my controller to effectively use the map. I have to turn off the controller, and use a mouse each time I need to use the map, especially to fast travel because the cursor is stuck on the top of the map, letting me only move the map left, right, and zoom in/out. All of that isn't too bad, but now I can not inflict any bullet, or explosive, damage to anyone, friend or foe. The weirdest thing is, it just happened while fighting some creature. I was inflicting damage with a cryo gun, then all of a sudden I could not inflict any bullet damage to the animal. I am able to use melee weapons to inflict damage, but nothing else. All these bugs complied together makes it a game breaker, and of course my last save was 5 hours prior to me finding this out so I'm screwed unless I want to hit enemies 20 times just to kill them, all the while having 3 more shooting at me from a distance. No thanks, I guess I'll wait for the update.

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Grace Francis
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