Hey guys (and girls),
Just had another thought - while reading a Fallout New Vegas Fan-Fiction and thinking of robots:
Do you think we will get robot companions again?
I mean Codsworth would be an obvious choice, wouldn't he - particularly if you can upgrade him to Mister Gutsy status (better weapons, armor, a coat of paint etc.) - if we can upgrade/build damned Power Armor, that should be a piece of cake
(Hell, I want some robots to defend my settlements, too as static defenses (turrets and traps) are a bit boring (and guards are unreliable...robots don't get tired after all!) and nothing beats a mobile defense
I mean I really hope that we get more robots (that we can fiddle around with - exchange their weapons for some we like better, paint them, give them stealth tech etc.)...I'd even hope for something like a brain-bot with a pre-war person inside, now that would be cool, wouldn't it? (particularly as the PC is from that era, too!)
greetings LAX