You must have missed the thread from some guy who said that, all told (due to charges for going over his cap, and then having to buy a cap extension so he & wife could still use internet the rest of the month), FO4 ended up costing him over 400. Obviously, that's an extreme case. (I remember a similar one from a couple years ago, when the 6+GB download for a WoW patch cost some Australian guy a couple hundred).
But there are also plenty of posts from folks who are having 24+ hour downloads. Even without a cap, that download speed svcks. That's what physical discs are for, not just having a box on the shelf.
People with "high end" builds also have awesome internet & are tech heads/enthusiasts. They're buying digitally. They're not the ones complaining. It's the people with average machines (which, obviously, still have DVD drives) that buy the discs.
And "todays streaming/download society".... is the province of the folks who have great internet & like to download stuff. People who don't (large chunks of the US and other places with crappy broadband) aren't participating in all this streaming.
(Yeah, I watch a clip or trailer now and then on Youtube. But I've never streamed a TV show, never used netflix, never watched a movie on the internet. Our TV comes from cable. And our movies are played on our DVD and Blu-Ray players.)
...have you noticed all those Redbox kiosks around your town? That rent movies on disc? Yeah. Those people aren't streaming stuff.
edit: oh, on the topic of buying games on disc. Every AAA/Day 1 release that I've gotten, has been on disc. Either bought at Best Buy by walking in the store and grabbing it off the shelf, or buy pre-ordering it at GameStop (since they don't have a very large PC rack anymore, so I pre-order to make sure they have a copy for me. FO4 is the first Release Day game I've bought that wasn't on disc. Because of the moronic download requirement. Took 4 hours to download it, which is crazy. No way do I want to obtain games that way, if at all possible.
Obviously, when I buy an old game during a Steam sale for $5, I know I'll be downloading it and I'm okay with that. Because $5. But when I wanted to try the f2p Star Wars Galaxies this past spring? I bought a cheap copy off Amazon rather than try to download the whole thing. As an MMO, I knew there'd be a pile of crap I'd need to download anyway, so it was worth the $ and shipping wait, to avoid as much as possible.