Moments that blew my mind *slight spoilers*

Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:50 am

Seeing the Work Station Menu's for the first time.

(Having a history with all previous Fallouts, then experience) jumping off a rooftop in Power Armor wielding a minigun, to fight a Deathclaw during a nuclear thunderstorm, only 1 hour into the game.

I sometimes reload the savegame of standing on the roof of Fort Hagen (at night!), when the BoS Prydwen Airship flies into the Wasteland.

Entering the Glowing Sea for the first time

The sight of a spotless clean Institute during the elevator ride down.

Staring 10 minutes straight at the production process of synths in the Institute Robotics lab.

What are the moments that made you smile?

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JaNnatul Naimah
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:05 pm

I lived in the Boston area in my younger days (much, much younger), and I was a regular "T Rat" who hung out at popular places near some subway exit or other (the subway system is called the "T" locally). No doubt "T Rat" means something urban-dictionary-ish now, but whatever.

So I stumbled into an area that at first I didn't recognize - but as I slowly crept through in the depth of night, things started to look eerily familiar. The moment of recognition hit me like a ton of bricks when I saw the subway station, and I said out loud, "Holy carp, it's Harvard Square!" (No, I don't have the accent.) I used to go there to buy books, drink overpriced coffee, and laugh at people who paid designer prices for torn jeans, and here it was all full of zombies and frag mines.

Can't wait to see Quincy; that's where I lived and worked.

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Nikki Morse
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:53 am

I spent twenty-minutes making the perfect spouse for my character.

I was unspoiled on the beginning.

I THOUGHT the story would be trying to find my wife after she was kidnapped or awoke first and wandered away.

So when she died, I just stared at the corpse, unbelieving.

I debated leaving it open or closed on the OFF chance she could be revived later.

It lasted ten minutes.

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