Desert Rangers patrolled and protected the deserts, killing wrong-doers and protecting innocents. NCR Rangers are thugs for the NCR who sit at outposts all day or are sent off to far-away places to do the NCR's government's dirty work. Not the same
Desert Rangers patrolled and protected the deserts, killing wrong-doers and protecting innocents. NCR Rangers are thugs for the NCR who sit at outposts all day or are sent off to far-away places to do the NCR's government's dirty work. Not the same
This is exactly what the NCR does (in their eyes at least).
Regulators are just a bunch of clowns in cowboy hats collecting fingers from hits they send out. Nothing like either Desert/NCR rangers
But I digress, the original topic of this thread is about if the Regulators appear in game for FO4. Whatever your opinions are on the purpose/similarity between other orgs, I think you can agree that they were poorly represented in game either way.
NCR rangers are a military unit, and regulators are a bunch of vigilante/hitmen? The difference is pretty clear
That too. Regulators are just the knock off cowboy wannabes. Rangers ftw
The desert ranchers were mostly the same before they were incorped into the NCR...
I got the sense that they're more like Reilly's Rangers, but that might just be because of the Statesman Hotel/Museum of Freedom parallels. It seems weird that Raiders would be willing to take such heavy casualties to lay siege to a museum, so they're either sitting on something valuable, or they stepped on someone's toes. Preston Garvey said there were 20 of them, so they were probably up to something bigger than anything the Regulators ever did.
Not really. It even says in their wiki that the Desert Rangers were know to protect towns and people from raiders. The Regulators do not. They are vigilantes/bounty hunters. They have more in common with Talon than anything else. They are literally the mirror opposite of them. They are not similar in any way to NCR/Desert Rangers, aside from the fact both organizations pretend to be cowboys. Thats it. The only similar thing about them
also, the wiki page itself refers to Talon as Regulators evil counterpart. They are the exact same thing just for bad players or good.
According to the leaked script, only Preston is a Minuteman in that group, the rest are just people/militia trying to find a new place to live.
I was actually hoping to see some branch of Reilly's Rangers in FO4. Cause correct me if im wrong, but isnt there a 4 leaf clover on green combat armor? Seems pretty Fightin Irish to me. Perfect for Boston
Both would be cool (if you are a really cruel type of character - you sponsor two (or more) settlements and then make them fight each other for your amusemant (like say ones a raider-den and the other is a refugee camp etc. etc.))
greetings LAX
ps: I'd probably never do that (I strangely enough almost always play damned goody two shoes in games -.- though I am vengeful if someone pisses me off really badly (unless they can offer a really good reason later on!)) but the idea is pretty cool
If expanded into a legitiment sub-faction of its own for hire, I'd welcome them.
Exactly. Desert/NCR Rangers are like peacekeepers/soldiers, where Talon/Regulators are bounty huters/vigilantes
There is a fairly big point made in NV about how the ranger do whatever idiotic thing the government tells them too, such as spending an intermediate amount of time chasing ghosts down in Baja.
They do whatever the government tells them to, regardless of the mission.
Yes. The distinction is that they are an organized military/police force. Regulators just hunt down bad guys for money
That's like saying every professional soldier in an country's military is just a killer and a mercenary, and while in an extremely literal sense, yes that is technically true. However that couldn't be farther from the truth. The distinction between conventional forces and unconventional forces. NCR are professional soldiers, Regulators are not.
The NCR are like the us army, where regulators and talon merc are like blackwater. The army follows RoEs and orders, blackwater does whatever the it is that people pay them for regardless. They have done some nasty [censored].
Yeah based on FO3 Im not sure I will miss them. By the time I found them I was essentially good for money. If they had of given me bounties and quests /line maybe I might have cared but after a while it was ... Oh I remember those guys.
Exactly. Poor implementation of a potentially awesome faction.