He takes a sip from his whisky , enjoying luxuries most others can't afford .
A man in a suit , trilby , and glasses approaches from behind .
"Mr Tenpenny" he says in a formal and businessman-like manner .
"What is it , Mr Burke?" The elderly man replies without turning his head .
"Roy Philip's is at it again sir . He was heckling Raymond down at the door controls to be let inside and was ignoring our policy . I have reason to suspect he may be planning something big that could endanger our live's here"
Tenpenny turns around , an mixed expression of distaste , puzzlement , and fear .
"Our lives?"
"He wants entry sir , no doubt about it . In fact , I think he might just want that much more . Ownership of this establishment , to be precise . He's deluded , he wants this tower to be a safehouse for every scum and criminal that happens to be passing by . He wants to let other ghouls in , maybe even mutants ."
"well im not going to let that happen . Double the guards and see to it my quarters are especially well guarded"
"Yes sir" Burke nods , before slithering away .
A decrepit and poorly dressed figure sits hunched over a dimly lit table in an abandoned metro tunnel , looking at bueprints to what seems a luxurious and stylish hotel . The flesh on his face dangles and quivers , his scalp is peeled back revealing a yellow and beaten skull . He is a ghoul . An outcast . He slams his fist on the table and turns to the other ghouls in the room .
"He wont let us in . That means we have to take it by force"
There are several muffled mumbles within the small crowd , giving off a air of displeasure .
"I dont like it any more then you do" The head ghoul states . "But we need this tower to survive . We have little provisions as it is , and the tower could be used for so much more , other then a retreat for some selfish old meglomaniac . We can take it and shape it into a outpost for supplies and rest . It would make everyones lives easier ."
The crowd mumbles some more before a big and armored ghoul steps forward into the dim light of the single swinging lightbulb . "Okay Roy....ill get the troops ready" He says in compliance .
"Good" Roy says with a wry smile . "We attack at noon . It's all or nothing now . Too long has tenpenny treated us like filth . Its time he gets his come-uppance"
This RP is based on an upcoming mission for fallout 3 , focused around the struggle of two forces . Allistair Tenpenny is a wealthy and selfish old man who owns a 5 star hotel out in the middle of the wasteland . The hotel has been turned into somewhat of an armored fortress and is protected by his personal retinue of hired mercenaries . He symbolises greed , and power . He may lack morals but he posseses wealth beyond measure and security in the ruthless deadland .
Roy Philip's is a rugged old ghoul , reduced to trying to eke out a pitiful living in the recluse of a nearby old metro station . He , along with many other ghoul's , see's Tenpenny's occupation of the tower a wasted oppurtunity for a possible bastion of defence . He would like to see the tower turned into a safe outpost for anyone , rather than just the rich . He symbolises good and understanding , although he lacks provisions , and wealth .
Now you have to make a decision . Roy see's no other incentive then to attack the tower and take it by force , as his attempts at reason fall on deaf ears . The attack is to take place at 12:00pm noon on a sunday . Will you side with Tenpenny and fight for luxury and power? or will you side with Roy , and fight for what is morally right , and safety for everyone?
* No flaming , spamming , ectcetera .
* Keep Romance , if any , within the PG-13 limit
*No uber leet characters . Roy's force are but poorly equipped scavengers , so they will not be bearing high tech power armor and energy weapons . Tenpenny's force are simply lightly armed guards , so the same rule applies . If you absoloutely must have power armor and energy weapons , PM me . We can work soemthing out , but your character will have a handicap of some sort .
* Please RP in a proffessional and civilised manner . No one line posts , or poor grammer . Keep OOC's minimal please .
*PM me your character sheets first for approval . Randomly post your sheet up and you will not take part in the RP .
*I will be "the game master" as such . Meaning that I will not play a character per se....rather then decide the events and happenings that may occur within the RP .
* 2 characters maximum
* This is in no way a spolier or anything . The quest in the game just looked real neat so I thought I would base an RP off it based on speculation and "what would be cool"

*Have fun! Oh....and first person to PM me can play Burke if I think their good enough :hehe: . Tenpenny and Roy are NPC's however , and will be controlled by me .
Ill start everything off when I get some people joining .