Will we be seeing one similar to the one they did prior to Skyrim's launch?
Will we be seeing one similar to the one they did prior to Skyrim's launch?
....no idea...and if you're expecting a dev response...you'll be waiting for a while.
Maybe, then again I can see them not doing it.
Then again it's dangerous sports for devs, mingling with the common folk. Chances are rabid [censored] will attack them with questions they can't answer.
That censor thing would be adolescent males that happen to really like a certain thing.
Did we see any quality assurance in Skyrim's launch?
Perhaps. They could do a Halloween Q&A maybe.
Would certainly be nice if this did happen. But in reality, I think most of the answers would either be "we're not ready to talk about that yet" or "200 years"
I'm sure that whatever happens, we'll be given a few more pieces of the puzzle after QuakeCon
Not true SmkViper helps out in the CK forum pretty regularly.
I just hope that they show more footage of pipboy interaction and the crafting system. Maybe they'll surprise us with some underwater, power armor action.
And maybe this time we'll actually see some confirmation of what year we start in!