I just want more details about skills, perks, leveling, and traits. Everything else I'm ok with learning it as I play the game.
I just want more details about skills, perks, leveling, and traits. Everything else I'm ok with learning it as I play the game.
its it driveing you crasy aswell im gonna lose it soon if beth does throw me a bone
Im sure some crazy fan will drive through the crowds, in a truck, steal all the demo machines and upload Fallout 4 to the internet.
The ESO play on quakecom was published, benefit is that it shows that players really do not some promotion video who is clipped for maximum impact.
the time takes for too be published is the question
Well if it's published too soon there's less incentive for people to go to Quakecon to see it as early as possible.
I'd guess a couple of weeks gap would be reasonable - and they might need that long just to get footage properly edited and voiceover nicely synched up for online release. I doubt if anybody there isn't working flat-out on something to do with actually getting the game finalised for production (or getting day 0 bug fixes ready for a patch), so some stuff will take longer than might seem necessary.
This. I like to see a vid or two to get a general idea of the game, but I can wait till it comes out. No biggie. A month ago we didn't even know it was coming this year, so it's all bonus to me.
Yup. An overview of leveling/dialogue/factions would be nice, all else I can wait til I play the game.
10 days to go,,, i cant wait to get some new information, this forum got boring pretty quickly after the last footage. lets hope we get a worthy chunck to chew on this time around tho.