SLI Performance Issue

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:16 pm

First off my system:


i5 4690k

8gb ram

My settings: everything on ultra besides shadow quality on high and shadow distance on medium, god rays on medium.

I get 60 FPS consistently, until I go into a town. Then it drops from anywhere between 40-30 frames. Sometimes in vaults it turns into a slideshow.

My GPUs' usages cannot seem to pass 70% at any time.

What is up with my GPUs not using all their power??

I should be able to run this at ultra on 60 frames anywhere all day.

Not even going to mention that I cannot alt tab out of the game or else my screen goes black with no way out besides a hard reset of the computer.
Or the occasional CTD.

That I can deal with but not the FPS drops.

Thanks for reading, appreciate any feedback.


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Roy Harris
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:35 am

are your cards identical with exactly same clocks on gpu and vram? there was a post like 2 days ago by a guy who had little different cards with clock differences about 10mhz. he downclocked 1 card anc overclocked second one a bit to match clocks in nv inspector and he was ok

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lucile davignon
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:09 pm

Hmm no they are not as one is superclocked and one is not, I will match the clocks and see if it helps. His cards weren't at max usage aswell?

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Richard Dixon
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:25 pm

not sure , search forums, he posted screens form nv inspector to let know that it solved his problems

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Laura Wilson
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 6:00 am

yes and hello it was me!

i still got fps drops the only thing the downclock oder overclock helped was the Nvidia driver crash issue => Game Crash issue.

got 2x680gtx on sli .... sometimes over 120fps sometimes about 44fps but i think my system could do better. dont know if game not optimized or else ...

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Naomi Ward
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 9:08 am

I'll repost this as it worked out great for me. I get about 60 - 75% average gpu usage and at max 99% on both gpu's. Never crashed once in 40+ hours. Every other way I have tried has had no benefit on fps for me except for this way.

Change in nvidia inspector fallout 4 profile:

0x080202F5 (Batman: Arkham City)

58 fps ( might improve inputlag on vsync 60Hz ) *or cap to whatever you wish, but this engine plays strange above 60 fps as of this current patch and drivers.

SLI_GPU_COUNT_TWO *All these options below should equal the amount of cards you have.



Change in Fallout4Prefs.ini:


This gives me a 30+ fps increase! On two gtx 670's a [email protected], 12gb ram I get 65 - 77 fps (on ultra apart from medium shadow distance, lighting to medium, godrays to low, standard dof and motion blur off.) The only sli bits problem is the character blackface and then with the menu and pip boy text getting a little corrupted, imo it looks a part of the aesthetic of the game, hehe.

Edit: this is the video I used, I don't know why people are using the alternative methods mentioned here as this one just works!

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Theodore Walling
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:46 am

today i found out something very very good for my condition!

(680gtx sli, 2500k@4ghz, 8gbram)

now my game runs smooth 60fps NO microstuttering no FPS drops anymore

If you have sli and have poor performance you have to do this:

on nvidiainspector TURN OFF AFR2 and set it to default !!! dont turn on!

sli compatibility bits to default (0x00000000)

sli compatibility bits (DX1x) change it to 0x080202F5 (Batman: Arkham City)

change vertical sync to: use 3d application setting

change Number of GPUS to use on SLI rendering mode to SLI_GPU_COUNT_TWO

change NVIDIA predefined number to use on SLI rendering mode on Directx 10 SLI_PREDEFINED_CPU_COUNT_DX10_TWO

change NVidia predefined number of GPUs to use on SLI rendering mode SLI_PREDEFINED_GPU_COUNT_TWO

change Multi-display/mixed-GPU Acceleration mode Single Display performance mode

change Power management mode Prefer Maximum performance

SLI rendering mode must set to Default SLI_RENDERING_MODE_AUTOSELECT

Make sure there is no FRAME RATE LIMITER off


so now you have sli working, but there could be microstuttering to fix this solution do this:

fallout4.ini and fallout4prefs.ini an your documents c:\

do this also on fallout4_default.ini on X:\Fallout 4\steamapps\common\Fallout 4 and x:\Fallout 4\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Fallout4 the fallout4prefs.ini

change following things:

iPresentInterval=1 this enables the gameinternal vsync (otherwise you get terrible tearing)

bFull Screen=0

iSize H=1080
iSize W=1920

(iSize shoul be your Fullscreen screensize)

this forces your game to open in windowed/borderless mode wich disables the microstuttering

(when looking @ an object and running around it, terrible for eyes but borderless/windowed mode disables this terrifying look)

no my game runs @60fps and looks extremely smooth to me (without ipresentinterval=0, wich disables vsync, my game runs @155-175fps and both of my gpus Bounces up to 100% usage but its too much for the gameengine so set ipresentinterval=1 like i said to get smoothness+maximum fps)

also make sure there is no vsync forced by other programms you are running in background!

i hope this could help everyone even without sli it works good for me

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Nikki Lawrence
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