So will this song be in Fallout 4, or will we have to wait for the expansions?
So will this song be in Fallout 4, or will we have to wait for the expansions?
...Considering the playlist had not been released, do you really need me to say the four magical words that will answer your question with a question?
*buzzer sounds*
Oooooh, I'm sorry, that is the incorrect answer...Audience?
Studio Audience: "HOW! SHOULD! WE! KNOW!?" *CHEEEEEEER*
THAAAAT's right ladies and gentleman, and all those folks at home. The answer is, How should we know? Brought on by the fact that no playlist has been released, there is not standing information about the songs to be included in the upcoming Fallout 4, with the exception of one song played at E3.
if it isn t i can already guarantee you that there will be a mod that allows you to, upload additional music tracks