I'm hoping power armor won't be an insta-win feature, but only a temporary booster. As such I wouldn't mind if the batteries died fairly quickly. It should be a mission to scavenge batteries to keep your old worn power armor running so you'll only use it for really tough encounters.
A INTACT T-51b power core will last for centuries.
I suspect that finding such, especially in the Commonwealth where the Institute has likely aggressively scavenged pre-war advanced technology, is going to be about as tricky as finding a suit of T-51b in the Capital Wasteland was.
I am simply assumining it is talking about jump-pack booster, or something similar.
IF they make it so power armor works like you seem to think, the game has completely ignored every previous game, lore, and the entire POINT of power armor.
there was thread awhile ago that stated that only t-45d had a stat for Pow DAM rate..... hmm ill see if i can find it
I'm fairly sure the PA in the microsoft demo was the new T-60 ,not the T-51, which we don't know much about, but considering the visual similarities with it and the T-45, it makes me think that the institute took T-45 armor and overhauled it with a HUD,extra armor and a jump jet then called it the T-60.
If I'm right about that then it would make sense for the T-60 to be burning though its fuel(or MF cells to be exact) since the T-45 had that same problem.
heres the thread i found it http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1523846-t-45-power-armor-has-pa-bat-dam-rate-as-a-statistic/
That's not the power supply. The rapidly depleting meter is the AP gauge. AP is used for many actions now, including but not limited to sprinting, holding your breath while using a scoped weapon, and jetpacks use.
If you go and re-watch the that part, it actually drains armor power as well as AP. Not to the same degree mind you but it still drains it some.
Most people are commenting on the power situation but we really dont know alot about it. Again I just went back and watch the only two segments of power armor gameplay we have.....and they are both the same area and same part in the game. The only difference is they added a jetpack to one part (for any number of #wow reasons) but its still at the town where you fend off the raiders and that deathclaw.
For all we know this could only be an early game problem.
yeah this why i downloaded the footage so rewatch it again and again too make sure i could take it all in it happens fast.
I've said this before but I'm betting that the T-60 and presumably other power armor parts will drain power, but there will also be versions that will not. If they wanted to make it balanced they could make it so that the T-51 has unlimited power at the cost of not being as powerful as those that do drain power. Otherwise they could just make them incredibly rare. I'm thinking only one set of T-51 (or any other form that doesn't drain power) power armor that exists in the entirety of the map. Like the one set of Daedric armor in Morrowind, you'd have to find all of the parts yourself.
God I used the word power way too much.
i agree with your reasoning problem i have is beth really should hold Qand A about game mechanics were we can ask questions