Working percusion cap weapons presuposes a level of technology, material access, and infrastructure that is questionable to obtain in a post technological environment. for just one item (Fulminate of Mercury) Production on any scale above a mom and pop working off of a kitchen stove to make a few dozen a day requires you to have access to pure silicate glass, stainless steel and 99.999% distilled water to keep you from turning your Factory into a hole in the ground. and god help you if you get even a trace (1 part per 1000) of copper in there. EEK!
Potasium Clorate requires that you be Damn sure theres no Sulfer around if your producing it in quantity, and if improerly processed can release a leathal gas
Sodium petroclorate well your kind of screwed if you want to make that stuff plus to make it at a purity where you can load it in a standard percusion cap? even then expect lots of fizzles and misfires untill you can get that mess worked out.
Besides where are you going to get the chloreen fir the last 2 primer mixes
bottles of Clorox? nowdays? Dont make me laugh, you try to use that stuff in most "kitchensink" formulas to make a primer and you better call 9-1-1 in advance thanks to the aditives they put in it .