Hi. I have discovered some sort of bug or problem with the game. My hardware is not up to date, but it runs other high intensity games pretty well such as Evil Within.
In Fallout 4, my computer at first appeared to be horribly gimped. My fps drops to the teens in many areas without tweaks. So I lowered resolution a huge amount and turned off shadows, god rays and many other things I could find. At 1280 by 720 I was able to maintain 30 fps and the game was playable until the inside of corvega factory.
I had put shadows to 8 resolution, and max particles desired to 75. Many other things were disabled using acual ini settings with read only.
With all of these tweaks here is what I saw:
When I looked right from corvega entrance, 60 fps.
When I looked left, 20 fps.
What is different? Four hanging flourescent light fixtures.
I went around the right corner to find a light stand of the same style, like the kinds with wires hooked up to a mini genny like they put in caves. 20 fps dip
Many people say shadows are the problem, but I think they are just a symptom. Something about certain light fixtures is generating a massive bug like number of shadow calculations.
Other light sources don't do it, such as search lights.
Plz fix.