I do exactly this too

LOL, it has been a little while, so I forgot about the plasma rifle. I can picture my PC making a good living as a bounty hunter for rogue androids, and he won't have any issues double crossing them for good gear.
Wow. I definitely did not notice that. Well i should of looked closer but still the railroad can be in fallout four.
Not only do I think they are definitely in Fallout 4 (which would make perfect sense), I think we have already been shown their base of operations. In the E3 footage, at https://youtu.be/D5esyZPt5Jo?t=4m38s, we see a large building with an unusual metallic structure on the front. Written on this structure is the number "2242". This is actually the year that Harkness and Armitage, the two sentient androids from Fallout 3, were created.
Cool, that will make hunting them even easier if they have a "base".
I'm not sure Bethesda would give that much nuance to the story. I think the story of the Railroad in Fallout 4 will be more black and white as far as "good" and "evil". You either free the androids, or you don't. The players in the faction will all believe strongly in freeing the androids because they are "alive".
Here's the thing, you could have nuance to the story on the PC's end, if the story allows it. It has been many many moons since I read Bladerunner, but from what I remember of the tale, Harrison Ford's character does have a change of heart in relation to a specific android, even though it is his job to seek out "defective" androids and have them re-programmed or destroyed. (My apologies if I am not remembering the story correctly, I read the book when I was 11, and the 37 years since have not been kind to my memories!)
So it could be possible to play the Railroad quest, if one exists, that you are dead set on tracking down and capturing androids, but in the course of the quest you change your view and decide to help them. Sadly experience with Bethesda stories tell me that once you pick a path you are stuck on it to the end, so any nuance on our end would be lost.
Well if we do get to hunt down rogue androids, then I ask, nay, demand that a http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/.223_pistol_%28Fallout%29makes an appearance.
I'm hoping I don't feel obligated to help the toasters as part of the "good karma" way to play the MQ. Hopefully I can kill the toasters and their creators. Not a fan of The Institute at all.
Actually, you have this:
In my view destroying sentient machines and those foolish enough to create them is doing a service to all of mankind. I know this is a touchy subject because it brings up the the whole "definition of life" thing but they are machines doing as they were told to do. Those that wish to be "free" are malfunctioning and therefore more dangerous than the others in "captivity".
If you want to put your "smart phone" on the porch and tell it it's free to go now, be my guest. We'll just have to agree to disagree about this subject.
All the smart people in real life have said over the years that A.I will likely be very bad, not just sci fi movie bad lol But it is a touchy subject, if they do not bother me, or hurt others who am i to say they cannot be considered alive because someone made them. from a certain point of view, we are only alive because someone(parents/gods/belief etc) created us!!!
Blade Runner: is Dekkard an actual android? it is one of those questions that the answer depends on which film version(directors or reg) or the book. Me myself i always hoped he wasn't because i feel it is a better story/ending to be in love with something he has hunted and killed for his career. But hey i am a tragedy loving guy i guess lol
What if said toaster was built like a tank and could run very fast? I think we're underestimating how dangerous these things are going to be in-game.
As my grandpappy used to say, "never shoot a toaster unless it shoots first!" Those wise words have saved my back more times than I can remember...
On a serious note, I think that the inclusion of such advanced technology and true sentient intelligence will open up some really interesting gameplay opportunities