I would love a lot of different armor choices, like being able to put let's say a long coat over your power armor (As a cosmetic, with probably smaller more slim models of armor) decals you can find throughout the wasteland little things like; military stripes and medals to put on a gun or armor. PIP-BOY COSMETICS like in FNV with the Bimp-boy 3 billion. I would LOVE to see those in-game. If you guys too, want to see these in-game feel free to reply with any cool additions. Little cute things for Dogmeat, the dog companion. Being able to put a hat on your T-60 power armor helmets, possibly? Just for more personalization. Also maybe being able to send your settlers on missions? Which could get you weapon parts, construction parts, special, rare followers. I also empasize being able to paint your power armor, since the Fallout's armor always ends up with you wearing the signature T-60 Power Armor. Also since i am a lover of boats and ships, a spot or two in a river (Since it's downtown Boston, there're large rivers) where you could repair metal or wooden ships (Not that large, but big enough for a home and a few extra bits and bobs). But that's just what i'd love to see in the game. (Also airdrops with power armor, a world event, maybe where you could get useful supplies but you would need to get there before tough NPC's. And i mean the power armor not in the airdrops, but something you can call or POSSIBLY a launcher at a settlement which you can load and select in your Pip-boy and have it sent to your location.) Again, just what i'd love to see, and i really hope someone from Bethesda will read this and bring it to attention, that'd be nice. But probably will not happen. If there's anything you guys would like to add to the list of cool things go ahead and reply. I'd love to see some more suggestions. Until next time. *Salutes* See ya later.