Hey there, this is mainly directed at the developers, but is open to constructive criticism from others.
A few friends and I were discussing a feature of Fallout 3; the "Force Lock" option when picking locks, and most of us agreed that it was relatively useless in most situations. I put forward a thought, and others agreed and said I should give you guys the idea (as you may or may not like it).
Basically, the Force Lock option was only of use when A. you were out of picks, or B. you had a high lockpick level with a low lock. I suggested that instead of a general option, the Force Lock mechanic should have only been available if you couldn't unlock the object in question (whether that is because of a low lockpicking leveled character, or out of bobby pins) and your character's Strength was high enough (depending on the level of the lock, the higher the difference between lock level and strength determines the possibility for breaking the lock without opening it). That way you had a chance to pop open the lock without the necessary skills or utensils.
Just a suggestion, as I said, you may or may not like this concept, and you may or may not have already done something similar, or something to render this suggestion irrelevant/useless.