Maybe that you have been asked to speak as a relative of a war hero, as I mentioned above?
Maybe that you have been asked to speak as a relative of a war hero, as I mentioned above?
CND demonstration on the steps of the hall? Damned hippy.
A "save the wastes" story doesn't make any believable sense for Fallout. There would never be that 1 person who would magically fix a post-apocalyptic of humanity. Most of it shouldn't be fixable if the political threat was bigger than what you as a nobody started with. At most your actions should just alter the strengths and weaknesses between faction tensions or between small communities. The player should never expect to or be given implied power to just flip everything on its head just because you were born.
Maybe he's an entertainer hired to entertain the veteran's hall. Maybe he's a politician going there to try and get veteran support for his political campaign.
People are drawing a lot from not very much IMO.
Agree we don't need another save the universe plot.
However lots are solved with some extra dialogues, Morrowind had this after the main quest but kind of overdid it.
Skyrim has part of it like after absorbing the soul of an dragon this get commented, then you become an werewolf it was commented however for an Khajiit to get comments about furry ears felt weird.
Oblivion was nice as people who liked you was noticeable more friendly, the contrast was way larger in Morrowind as most people was unfriendly.
One reason I did not get the complains about Fargot, he was one of the few friendly people I met before joining the mage guild, yes I was playing female.
Because than who would my character lead the charge for or against at the final battle of Hoover Dam? It might also have to do with them not wanting to contaminate the fresh water of Lake Mead.
I reckon it's because you start at lvl 1 and the game is about increasing your skills. Waaay too much speculating in background here.
Would you rather have his skill level start at 50 so you had a much easier start to the game?
In Skyrim you're the friggin Dragonborn, but your skill levels are low for the same reason: It's not fun to start at level 50.
But, in skyrim, you are just some nobody that was in the wrong place, at the wrong time. You don't have the faintest idea you are dragonborn, nor even what the term means. In New Vegas, you are a courier...... and apparently have been one for a while. Perhaps the places you have been previously simply weren't challenging enough for you to have 'improved' while you were there....
Or maybe you just svck at everything except driving a Brahmin =). I mean, you let Benny catch you, for the love of God.
I just assumed the courier had to relearn things after getting shot in the head.
Kinetic energy poisoning can do some funny things.
I see that as the most servile kind of cajoling, and lose respect on the spot for any title that tries it.