Hey folks, Turkeysocks here. And like many Fallout fans, I’ve been busy speculating about the upcoming Fallout 4! And after doing some thinking and speculation for what I’ve thought up. So let us begin, shall we?
First up, we have confirmed that there are two possible protagonists, the male and female husband and wife. I’ll refer to them as Howard and Nora simply because it's better than saying male/female protagonist. This is actually big change in a Bethesda open world game, as in all previous open world games, the male and female protagonists are always the same person. So I expect that there will be different reactions and comments based on which gender you're playing. And to add in there, they have a son Shaun! So let us start with Vault 111!
Vault 111 Experiment Theory - Like many, I believe that Vault 111 is obviously a part of the Enclaves Vault Experiment, which was put in place so the Enclave would gather information before their original plan to traverse the stars for a new home, which seems to have been abandoned by the time of Fallout 2 for some reason. Like many, I believe this experiment involves cryogenic stasis. And the experiment was created to test the effects that long term cryogenic stasis, or whatever they are using to preserve the Vault residents, on the human body.
Theory #1 Military Coup:
My first theory as to what lead the vault to be abandoned is that there was military personnel in the Vault, and they rebelled against the Vault-Tec authorities. Why? Well, there are many reasons why, but first, let me explain why I believe there were military personnel in the Vault.
In both the trailer and E3 reveal, we see at least 7 military personnel: http://imgur.com/fF3P4gb standing atop the Vault with a Vault-Tec scientist and guard; http://i.imgur.com/ITPWWc8.png in fatigues directing civilians up the path too the Vault; http://i.imgur.com/qa6xzzq.png, two in power armor and one in fatigues holding a clipboard and dealing with civilians.
Than we have the possibility of 8 more military personnel: pilot and co-pilot of the http://i.imgur.com/UZgt6LN.png that just landed; also I've circled a person in the foreground and a person running in front of Nora that I'm counting as possible military personnel, but they may be Vault-Tec personnel too. We have a http://i.imgur.com/k7r5NoR.png too where I suspect is the checkpoint with the power armored soldiers. Than we have what appears too be an http://i.imgur.com/ITPWWc8.png (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LAV-25), which is crewed between 3 to 6 people. I'm guessing that the three soldiers standing outside are probably apart of the crew, so that means there are probably 3 more inside the vehicle in order too operate it in case of emergencies while evacuating civilians. This leads me to believe there was at least a dozen or more soldiers that were unseen, as they would have been patrolling the perimeter to ensure no one snuck through.
As far as we know, only one missile has hit Boston. Chances are, there are at least a few more to dozens more on the way when we consider what happened too other major US cities like Los Angeles, D.C., San Francisco, etc. etc.. But the blast is far enough away that no one would be hurt by it or the resulting hurricane force wind… unless of course you’re a kid, very light weight or just unlucky enough to get struck by debris.
I would speculate that they would’ve ran to Vault 111, and taken shelter there. After all, a nuclear blast went off, these blasts create a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_electromagnetic_pulse, or NEMP for short that would kill all non-shielded electronics… such as a Virtibird. The Vault was “sealed” when the first bomb went off. So it would still be safe from the NEMP.
So the Vault personnel took in those civilians who were on the list, and maybe even the civilians who weren’t in order to fill out their quota… if that was possible, and also took in the military personnel who would have been stranded due to the nuclear missile.
Now, I see two reasons for the coup:
- The military personnel learned of the Vault Experiment somehow, and decided to take command of the Vault from the Vault-Tec/Enclave.
- The Vault-Tec personnel tried to get the military personnel to take part in the experiment, and they refused because they were either awaiting orders from their superiors, or maybe they just didn’t trust being frozen.
Regardless of why they did it, tensions ran high till the point where the Vault-Tec and Military personnel clashed, which there are three outcomes I see:
- The military won out, but the Vault was badly damaged and could no longer sustain human life on a large scale. They then decided to abandon the Vault and retreat to a fallback position that they would have done so if the bombs had gone off after they were finished with their Vault assignment. They awoke anyone they could safely wake up, and left the rest too fate.
- The Vault-Tec personnel managed to defeat the military coup, but like the first outcome, the Vault could no longer be used. So the scientist fell back to another Vault-Tec location and would attempt to monitor the Vault remotely.
- Both sides were ultimately wiped out in the coup.
Theory #2 Everyone’s a Popsicle!:
The Vault was never intended to host human inhabitants, and everyone was going to be put in cryogenic stasis, including the technicians and scientists, from the start. The scientists and technicians would be remotely woken up periodically to keep the Vault in working order and make more detailed reports, but would be for the most part, remotely observed by the Enclave.
Now, what happened here? Chances are, a system malfunction cut them off from the Enclave or whoever was observing them. This same system malfunction also lead to those who needed to be awoken in case of an emergency to not work properly. Resulting in the scientist and technicians not being woken up from their stasis, either at all, or at least in time to repair the damage that decades to over a century of neglect made it near impossible to fix.
Now in either scenario, without a doubt many who were left in their pods died when the power too their pods failed, or the system failed to wake them up properly. Those few who were woken up safely, realized they couldn’t or didn’t have the technical know-how to fix the vault, awoke those they could, or couldn't awake the remaining people safely, and left their lives in the hands of fate.
Theory #3 The Institute Invades:
Now the Institute, which is an organization that sprouted out from the remains of the former Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is probably the most advanced organization that has survived, and being the only organization that has actually continued to advance science, the other organization that had done something similar would have been the Enclave, which is most likely consists of scattered groups in various locations across the US after consecutive defeats on both the West and East coasts.
Without a doubt, these men and women who have continued to advance in science, probably sought out Vaults in the surrounding areas. Why? Well, for starters, there’s the Garden of Eden Creation Kit, or G.E.C.K, which would have terraformed the local lands for farming as well as a stable supply of power. Then there was the advanced knowledge held in the Vaults, which they could have come too fear as a possible threat to their power. Though, to be honest, we don’t know much about the Institute… so they might simply just be looking for more scientifically advanced humans.
Regardless of why, the Institute came in and awoke whom they could, and moved those they couldn’t wake up safely out of the vault in their pod to attempt later. However, whichever protagonist you chose is not taken away, probably because their pod is in an area they considered out of reach, overlooked or they simply thought it wouldn’t be possible to move without killing the person and left it.
Now you’re probably asking, what happened to your spouse and son? Well, I have a few theories as too that:
- Your spouse never made it into the Vault! This might be a tough cookie to swallow, however, if we look at the scene after Howard leaves the Vault, a http://imgur.com/Y9LiDnX with what looks too have been wearing a short sleeve light blue shirt that http://imgur.com/LX5qCS9 was wearing is found right outside the Vault. Now, you might say, Turk, why didn’t Howard realize it was his wife? Well, if you were in the same situation where you’ve probably seen more dead bodies in the last hour or so of your life after waking up, would you really be paying attention to what a skeleton would be wearing?
- Your spouse made it into the Vault and was put into cryogenic stasis. In which case, I view the following points as a possibility:
- Your spouse’s pod fails and he/she dies
- Your spouse woke up days, weeks, months, years or decades before you and has managed to survive in the wastelands with your son.
- The Institute awoke or took his/her pod along with your son, and took them out of the Vault.
- Your spouse awoke safely with your son, but died sometime before you awoke out in the wastes.