Fallout 4 and India

Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:30 am

Does anyone know if Fallout 4 is getting released in India?

Im assuming its again going to be possible to kill Brahmin again in this Fallout , which was the reason why NV and FO3 were not released In India? Has public sentiment on the issue subsided?

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 9:28 am

Considering that the Brahman, the highest level of the old caste system, closely resembled 'Brahmin', and it's in the form of a mutated cow (the bovine is considered a sacred animal in India), I don't think Fallout 4 will see light of day over there.

And can you really blame them? From their collective perspective, Bethesda's basically taking a dump on their sacred animal AND a highly respected title of the old caste system by having a diseased, mutated cow species called 'Brahmin'. I don't know the politics of India with this kind of stuff, but I wouldn't be surprised if they refuse Fallout 4, or really any game that lets you kill cows period.
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:58 pm

The Brahmin has been in the game since Fallout 1 and shouldn't be taken out.

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Sista Sila
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:59 am

The way I see it Morphine and Drugs were taken outta Fallout3/NV because of my Country Australia and became Med X and Chems for all!... so they could take out Brahmin if they wanted to

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Brooke Turner
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:52 am

I have my doubts, they would likely create a localized version for India. It raises the question of is it worth it? Australia is a fairly large market paying well *above* market rates.

Then again, it is probably very cheap to hire local talent to do voice overs, and renaming the cow creature itself is easy.. It's a coin toss.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:12 pm

It's easy to rename things like Morphine. Just change the name. But what should they do with Brahmins? Brahmins are iconic for Fallout. They can't just remove them from the game that easily.

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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:53 am

Wow, I didn't know that. Quite interesting.

EDIT: And no, I don't think they should rename one of the series' iconic animals for one country's benefit, as disappointing as it is for Indian fans.

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Erika Ellsworth
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:34 pm

i'm not sure if this is sad or funny.... they aren't even cows and their not even real, why not just order a copy of f04 from another country.

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Marion Geneste
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:52 am

Sadly India is a very sensitive nation.... I know as a large portion of my family is from there! The government has a huge variety of religions to appease and the last thing they want to do is cause riots over a game they could just not sell. It sounds petty, but people are really religious there still....... and in the US at time we are no better, even as a vastly more developed place. Look at all the evangelicals that want to censor games here too.

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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:38 pm

Isn't it just a word to designate a certain Indian is better than another one because of his lighter skin? And wouldn't that word cause fear and resentment to anyone from a lower caste who hears it?

If this is the case then who cares about their backward culture's sensitivities towards certain words, and I hope the 'Brahmin' of fallout are deliberately taking a swipe at that iniquity.

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Leonie Connor
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:28 am

It is still a significant issue issue in India but the reason I asked the question was that FO3 was released in 2008. Since that time I believe India has had 2 governments whose priority has been to strip the caste system out of India where possible. ITs hard because its directly tied into the Hindu faith and they have ultra orthodox nationalists who wont stand for that. But I was more wondering if 7 years was long enough for there to be any variance on the issue.

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