Hey guys, haven't seen this discussed yet (sorry if it has) even though it's a major new concept in the game.
Judging by E3 footage and the way it worked in Fallout Shelter, the health bar in Fallout 4 seems to incorporate radiation poisoning now. It looks like your maximum health is determined by how irradiated you are, as the more radiated you are the less maximum health you can have at any one time. Correct me if I'm wrong. If anyone can explain it better please do.
I think this is an awesome move by Bethesda. It makes radiation an actual consideration in the game now, and I look forward to having to desperately scavenge for Rad-X and RadAway in addition to Stimpaks now. I think it will add an extra element of fear and tension to exploring heavily irradiated areas, such as the Glowing Sea.
What are everyone else's thoughts - anyone dislike the change?
Also, do we know if our health will regenerate by itself over time yet?