See, I'm not so stubborn after all
See, I'm not so stubborn after all
For once I'm just going to say its a well thought out theory and not even try to poke holes in it.
Wait 'till you see the updated version.
V.A.N.S. explained...
That is a good point.
Also, I believe that Bethesda means these perks to come as rewards for our earned levels, not for our borrowed ones. That is how they have handled perks and temporary levels in the past with Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Skyrim.
I like what Beth is doing with Skillorperks and I imagine this is a pretty fair guess on how it will turn out (not sold on the Power Armor Skill but I suspect that's just personal bias (I never wear the stuff... Maybe there's an 'Armor' skill?)
The only thing that bugs me is that tying everything to that chart prevents the addition of new Perks, or at least seems to. Will there be a way to cycle through multiple STR 5 perks?
I am still highly skeptical about how it will be implemented ingame but this has some of my concerns aside. I will now have to rework how I was going to distribute my points in SPECIAL. (sigh.) I'm still deeply concerned about the Mass Effect dialogue wheel...
Brand new thread up due to massive amount of additional info. No less than 51 perks identified, including 6 brand new ones!
You can find the new thread in the link below: