I wonder did anyone mentioned it or not, any news about it? Release date? Features? Will it be overhauled?
I wonder did anyone mentioned it or not, any news about it? Release date? Features? Will it be overhauled?
Didnt they say at E3 that we wouldnt see the Creation kit until January or February 2016?
I am wondering just what the requirements are for porting mods over onto the Xbox One from the PC GECK... but I don't know about anyone else but I think I will be too deep into the game to worry about mods/modding until the new year anyway!
The GECK won't be released until early 2016, and mods on console won't be until later.
There are the so-called "objectionable" mods.mentioned earlier. Also, any mod that requires a third-party utility, such as a script extender will most likely not be available on consoles. Because of this, we can assume that consoles will not have access to many of the more sophisticated mods out there.
I know it is going to be later... I was just wondering what the requirements would possibly be. Will they be a selection that Bethesda chooses and clears (which will be why they wont be until later in 2016) which is what I am thinking. The mods are what can turn a good game great. I loved all the DLC packs that came with Fallout 3 (even Mothership Zeta). I'm a big fan of the old 50's era aliens mixed with the later greys. They are a subtle blend of the past and the future which is what the Fallout Universe is all about.
I hope they mod in vehicles and not just train-car hats like in Fallout 3 heh - I only came across that story recently...
No fowl play? As in rampant chicken killing?
But yeah, those should be kept farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr away from the Xbox One. You just know there will be willy shaped pixel art almost right away... Also I would want any third party executables as far away from my Xbox Account as possible. There have been too many hacks that have ruined gamer's accounts (like J-tagged consoles and hacked Call of Duty lobbies that reverted players who kill the hacker back to level 1 prestige 1).
Also I bet Sony say NOOOOOOOOOOOOO to having mods on the PS4... especially after that hacking incident that knocked the PS Network offline. Apparently the servers STILL get knocked offline loads due to hackers like LizardSquad. My PS4 is currently being used as a BLU-RAY player only. Also Sony are being a really nasty piece of work.... (Just google "PlayStation Network accounts hacked; Sony leaves victims holding the bag"). After I read that I said I would never get another Sony console EVER!
Sony with their terrible customer service really are the Evil Corp right out of the Mr Robot TV show.
So yeah Xbox One and a fully vetted modding system is going to be essential if Bethesda is going to get this to work AND not get egg on their face from a hacking attempt.
Given how Steam worked with the team on getting SKSE integrated with the Steam loader, it might not be completely impossible that there would be some form of a console version of the Script Extender. Highly, highly unlikely of course given past corporate attitudes from the console makers when it comes to 3rd party exe files that directly access game code but then we all thought mods on consoles would never happen and look where we are now.
The people behind the script extenders for the various Bethesda related games are good people that give selflessly of their own time and experience and have been doing this for more than a decade now. I think they've proven they don't have any malicious intent by this point in time. And if it would be at all possible to see an extender on consoles, you should hope it would comes to pass as if it *doesn't* happen it will greatly limit the power and ability of what kinds of mods will be possible on consoles. Technical limitations such as graphical ones that restrict size and type of texture mods are but one type of restriction, no script extender will result in many more mod types that simply won't be possible on the consoles.
Well given that a couple of people were able to put up working mods on Nexus within a few weeks of game launch (granted mostly Beta tests and some weapon tweek mods) it probably will not take that long. (To be fair the average mod user should not have installed thoes lol)
For the most part, pluginless replacers (mods that only replace existing art assets, like texture packs) don't need the GECK at all; once modders figure out how models in Fallout 4 work, those will definitely come around before the GECK comes out. Mods that edit stats, like changing the weight/value of an item or adjusting the magnitude of a perk might be safe, too, depending on the tools (FO4Edit? please no FOSnip) that come out.
Mods on consoles, I imagine the checks in place will be for inappropriate content (comparable to how the Steam Workshop manages this for Skyrim, I'd say) and maybe something to check for mods that definitely can't perform on consoles (4k texture overhauls, etc); although they said they'd try not to police that too heavily, and let players break their game if they chose to. Third party utilities like the script extender are almost definitely out, but people underestimate how much can be done without them. I just hope we don't need any third-party tools to add new UI elements.
My assumption is that it will work much like Steam workshop, someone upload the mod and its only removed if it get complains.
Having gamesas check mods before they are put up will require work for them and its still no guarantee the mod is safe.
It will also make testing the mod hard, most moders probably don't have the game on console so it should be an sort of beta part for testing mods by other players
I'd say it's still a rather large leap from what we have been told to an actual implementation itself. Also, don't be surprised if that implementation is nowhere near what you envision as ideal. Still, it is better than, "never gonna happen"....
I seriously doubt Microsoft is going to sign off on a blind posting of mods for Xbox One with user reporting as the vetting process....Any idea of how a video of an Xbox One playing a six mod would effect the entire system...especially if it was actually downloaded from the official mod source? I will now state THAT is "never gonna happen..."