Dragged that thing everywhere in fallout 3 and new vegas.
My first game of Fallout 3 I hadn't really played rpgs before. Put all my point that I allocated for combat into energy weapons as I wanted to be a SOLDIER OF TOMORROW!!! Ended up using the hunting rifle for half the game anyway til I got enclave goodies.
I Just realised that mass of boats is not in radioactive waters. ok one more location checked off
Currently thats the pipe rifle series in .32 cal
My favorite standby was the 10mm pistol, and i liked the silenced version.
It bugs me, too. Unless you left handed shooting, but in the pics he shooting right handed. Maybe because of all the modifications to weapons, you get to pick. I hope so because that is awkward as all hell being a right handed shot with the bolt on left side.
Bolt on the left side of the rifle for some reason...took me a while to notice but ultimately not a big deal, really.
Bethesda can't into gun design.
Did we all forget the Fallout 3 combat shotgun which makes absolutely zero sense?
I hope this means there are rifles out there that suit both right-handed and left-handed, otherwise that does not make any sense whatsoever
I take it you have never fired a bolt action rifle before. It is extremely awkward, unless you are a left handed shot of course. The whole reason for the bolt to be on your handed side, is that is the hand which is on the trigger. Your off hand is holding the weapon steady. You can squeeze off a shot, and without losing your aim, chamber another round to fire again. With the bolt being on the other side, it basically impossible to hold your aim and chamber another round, not to mention you are doing this action with your off hand, which can be awkward in itself.
Hopefully it means that you can choose your handedness, but in the pics, the shooter is firing right handed, and why on earth someone would do that with a left handed gun, is pretty odd.
edit: If you notice in the two pics when using the bolt, the rifle is derped up into the air, making it a very inefficient means of combat, as after chambering the round, you need to aim all over again, instead of it being a much more fluid movement(and not losing aim).
I never really used it that much in F3 and by the time I usually found a scope in FNV I already had a stockpile of superior weaponry so it was pretty but unused in FNV as well.
I usually travelled with one sniping weapon, one assault rifle or shotgun, one backup pistol and an emergency blade so the hunting rifle never really fit in useful category for me, except as an occasional looted weapon I experimented with before selling. The new crafting system may finally make it a useful weapon for my playthroughs.
Looked cool though. Terrible Shotgun was one of my favorite weapons.
As for the Hunting Rifle, I don't think I used it very much early on as many seem to, although I used Ol' Painless for a good portion later in the game.