I have the identical problem.
Question: Did you accidentally kill Glory like I did? because she's a farking [censored] who kept running in front of me? Because this is a common bug, and apparently it all stems from Glory's death. I used console commands recycleactor 000508EE and 000508EE.moveto player like one help site suggested, but all that did was move her dead body to the middle of the Railroad HQ.
Second question: Whether this is the quest-breaking bug or not, how *do* you resurrect NPC's?
Click on her dead corpse while in the console and type resurrect, that resurrected her for me but didn't fix this bug. Still trying to figure out how to fix it.
This bug is apparently caused by either Glory or Elder Maximaria (Head of the brotherhood, don't know his actual name since I haven't done that quest line or seen him at all really) death. I'm going to try recycling/resurrecting both, Glory was dead (no idea how) and the head of BOS may also have died to like ambient NPCs or something and I never noticed. I'll post results once I have time to cycle them both. I don't have high hopes for it working though.
FTR Have tried recycling/resurrecting Glory, didn't work. Have tried attacking the instittue as others suggested, didn't work and will apparently change the ending anyway which is undesireable. Have tried using the console to advance the quest to stage 1100 (1050 is the bugged stage if anyone is wondering) and that simply completes the quest but gives me nothing to do and no way to advance the main quest. Last I checked Glory was essential anyway, no idea how she died.
I can't get Glory to resurrect at all. If I click on her it gives me an alphanumeric code. If I type in 'resurrect [Glory's code]', it tells me that parameters are not saved (?). If I type 'resurrect', nothing happens. She remains an ungainly looking corpse in the middle of the Railroad HQ, and I remain unwilling to throw away a helluva lot of quests and work I've done in Sanctuary to go back and grind at all over again.
We need a bug fix, Beth. Please?
I sometimes have problems with the console working properly too. I had more success (in this instance) using it outside of railroad HQ and on a fresh load (I.E. start the game and load the save you want to mess with, don't go into it from another save while already playing the game). Not a fix but I'm fairly certain what causes this bug, or one aspect of it, is Glory walking back to HQ after the quest Memory Interrupted. She's likely dying sometime on the walk. I also suspect the quest The Battle for Bunker Hill is somehow involved but I'm not certain of that yet. It played out oddly for me regardless of not having presented an evident problem at the time.
Used god mode to replay Memory Interupted and make sure Glory made it back to HQ safe and after finishing Underground Undercover I'm pretty certain her death is the problem and it's this quest that is doing it. Making her essential until the quest Underground Undercover should prevent this from happening.
I can continue the game now that she's alive.