I for one want to enter the game not knowing much. From what I've seen so far, E3 demo, etc I feel like its almost time to go dark and now spoil anything.
Who else feels this way?
I've been keeping myself almost entirely in the dark. I learned my lesson with Oblivion. I followed every little scrap of news from the day Oblivion was announced in 2004 until the day Oblivion was released in 2006. I allowed myself to get so hyped up and over-excited that, when I finally had it in my hands, it was a massive, bitter disappointment to me in almost every way. Nothing Bethesda did could have lived up to my expectations.
I am one who hates seeing a game before I play it, other than maybe a demo or snippet of the gameplay. I don't want to know the story, I want to discover everything about the game as it is revealed to me. Moderating a game forum makes that difficult.
I'm thinking that too. What I plan on doing is "hibernating" at the end of August. I go on the forums at work to keep m sanity and I will be back at school in September. So once September rolls around I will have other stuff on my mind.
I usually watch anything and everything. I don't really care about the story getting a bit spoiled... I still get to experience it and I still get to explore the world. World exploration is where the real mystery is at in the TES/Fallout games. Think of all the stuff you'd miss out on if you simply stuck to the main quest line.
I will probably leave soon. Maybe today. After I beat the game I will come back.
I already know what I need to know about the game and I have it on preorder.
I want to go into the game uncolored by other people's opinions and preconceptions. If I keep going to the forums I'll just pick up other people's luggage.
So I'll be back around the end of Nov or so.
I think that's a good idea if you're like me and you want minimum intrusion into your initial game experience. The longer you stay the more chance you have of something big getting spoiled.
It will be when bored and disaffected shop employees sell the game early to randomers who will take the game home. PC gamers will be stuck until Steam unlocks it, but console gamers will play it and post spoilers in the week or so before the official release date.
I'm definitely dumping the forums when the game comes out; I'll come back after I beat the main quest, among other things. I might even decide to write a nice little review for it.
I'll let myself get excited for the new content and changes, but that doesn't mean I don't recognize the potential pitfalls. But unless the perk chart, romanceable companions, crafting, and improved combat were blatant lies, I think I'll be in for a treat.
Yes, the only things who are real spoilers to me is the big surprises, like how you faced the female tribunal member as end boss in Tribunal or tranquility lane in Fallout 3.
That's a good point. I was thinking of it from a spoiler perspective, but I could see myself being disappointed if the game doesn't turn out the way I'm expecting now that I'm following the speculation so closely.
I was an info gobbler for both Oblivion and Skyrim, but with different results. I, like you, was bitterly disappointed in Oblivion. Stopped playing it after a week, and didn't look back. Skyrim, however, I adored. Its still one of only two games I'll make time for these days.
So I don't think its the act of following a game, so much as the actual quality of the game produced.
I've had mixed experiences with having too much information vs. having gone dark. Some games I went dark for, I ended up hating. Others that I had every nugget of info about (New Vegas, for instance, which I'd actually gotten a hold of the strategy guide for prior to playing), I ended up loving. Plenty of vice versa, as well.
For FO4, personally, I just want to know a bit more about level progression and in-game features (SPECIAL, settlements, if there's a hardcoe mode), but I don't want even a crumb more info on the game's world. I'm already a little disheartened by the fact that I watched the Concord gameplay. So I'll watch the perk videos that they're planning on releasing, but if there's any more gameplay footage featuring new areas, I don't want to see it. At all.
Besides seeing the skill chart for each Special there isn't really anything I want to see. I'm sure will get the Quakecon footage at some point and those S.P.E.C.I.A.L videos
I think the time for me to go dark is coming very soon. The complaint threads have ceased to seem like reasonable outcry over an unwanted feature and have drifted into trolling. There are only so many ways to say "I don't like a voiced protagonist" or "The graphics aren't as good as game X" before it has all been said. Yet people still keep dredging up the same tired, old complaints. Bah. I just convinced myself. I'll see you all on the other side of the release. Good luck and farewell. Happy wanderings until then.