I recently have come across a serious glitch where I constantly receive radiation damage. Basically what happens is every time I start up the game I start receiving 10+ radiation damage. Usually if I the reload the exact same save it will make the rad damage stop. Also when I enter into an power armor it starts giving me the rad damage again. When it happens with power armor I can sometimes make it stop by fast traveling.
I believe this all started when I had a vertibird transport land in shallow irradiated water. The water was giving me rad damage. I got in and traveled to a different area and when I got out of the vertibird I continued to receive the rad damage.
Is there anything I can do to make this problem go away? I tried using console command 'player.setav rads 0'. The console command does not give any errors when I enter this but it also does not make the rads go away.
Is it possible for a console command to completely turn off rad damage for the player, or maybe a mod?