FALLOUT 4 Review. very long winded.

Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:29 pm

Was there November 9th 2015 since 2 pm. Was the first to be on line to be in a group. Midnight arrived. Second to leave with a copy since I got the book and took longer then the other guy who just got the game.

Bought anthologies a while back. Did not open the box until last night.

KA-BOOM. ka-ching. Totally got confused from the kaching.

Started to install Fallout 4. Easy enough. Time started at around 3 hours some minutes dropped to 1 hour and some minutes. WIth disc. at 7 MB DL hour and half it took.

NVIDIA even had an update the day of to use. DID that.

Waited till today to play. NVIDIA driver did not install the night before for some reason. Had to do that again. Game says can run at high. NVIDIA says medium to low. DID NOT optimize yet.

DIRECT X installed. Game starts.

MUSIC is how I remember it. Not interrupted which would occur sometimes when watching the intro of fallout 3 or New Vegas. Clearer cleaner.

NO SLIDESHOW. Was expecting that. Instead followed camera pan of the Garage where you find the Power Armor. SPECTACULAR. I have that wallpaper of the Garage with Power Armor for months now always wondering what it would look like in 3D. SPECTACULAR.

Rolled the credits. I WANT A STEAM ACHIEVEMENT FOR WATCHING IT. I believe they should have another song going during its play through. (Just an opinion may cause those hiccups I hate. Talked about before music interrupting so maybe simple is better)

NOT played yet. Tomorrow the 11th I will start. A veteran playing a veteran on Veteran's day. (I went with wrapped omelets to eat during gaming {brain food})

more later. . .

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Darrell Fawcett
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