I came to this game fresh from The Long Dark (excellent survival in the Alaskan wilderness) which wetted my appetite for a hardcoe survival experience! I had heard there had been a Survival mod for F:NV which included the need for food, water and sleep. I was disappointed to see it not include here. Nevertheless I have been playing the game from the start on the hardest difficulty 'Survival'. And I have to say why Fallout is indeed a rich and enthralling experience, I've been struck by how well relatively easy it has been. I was desiring to be hard pressed, down to my last resources, cautiously stalking through ruins and wasteland. But so far, not only does the wasteland seem strangely devoid of a generous abundance of roaming enemies, but more so enemies that I generally need to be afraid of. On the hardest difficulty, I'm still finding an abundance of ammo and resources. Death only seems to find me through truly careless play.
So I'm quite surprised is all? Maybe it's a glitch? Maybe not.... Bottom line, it's not quite the hardcoe survival experience I was craving. That said, maybe things ramp up later on. I'm about 8hrs in and haven't really bothered with the story too much, mainly building my settlement, and exploring.
My only real negative after that would be that for some reason you no longer see your gun on your back? Which is a major bummer - I love that feature, and I loath the video game staple of GTA style 'magic pockets'....

Does anyone know whether they will include a survival mode where food drink and sleep will have to be considered? Perhaps in some further update?