I'm a huge Fallout franchise fan so of course I got the 10th off of work and played for a good bit, 26 hours i'd say. I'd like to share my thoughts about the game so far and see what you guys think.
Settlement building
- Awesome feature packed with content that will no doubt evolve constantly. Negative stuff; brush will poke through the flooring in structures, fixtures will not attach to surfaces correctly, fencing will very rarely scale to terrain and there is no way to clean the floors in pre-existing houses like in Sanctuary. The possibilities are endless it seems though.
- I want a way to plumb water and I want to paint my dwelling.
- Mirelurks are much more dangerous now, and are more of a low crawling crab-like creature with a bullet resistant shell.
- Ghouls are wicked fast now it seems and if you engage one in combat a good sized group will ambush you from different angles and gang beat you.
- Deathclaws look amazing and have become very intimidating/formidable foes.
- The only ammunition that I can keep in stock is .38 and .380 at this point. 5mm takes an act of congress to get and I have only found .44 mag rounds one time. Frustrating.
- I collect everything that isn't bolted down so coming up short for copper or adhesive isn't an issue.
- The new weapon system is really something else. The fact that I can name my guns, change every single part or paint my baseball bat red and put razor blades on it is brilliant.
- I'd like to be able to paint my guns too.
- I don't miss my guns breaking.
- Junk jet is neat.
- At this point the only companion I have used or want to use for now is my German Shepard. I will at some point branch out a little but I really like puppy holding down a foe while I finish them.
- These are well built but the difficulty and intensity is inconsistent in my opinion. I will not elaborate for fear of spoiling the game for a reader.
Sure, it's buggy but over time it will get better. In the 26 hours I played the game it only crashed one time and I never got stuck anywhere or had anything disappear. Great success (in Borats voice).
These are my thoughts so far, I will share more as I progress. Thanks for reading.