I had it happen, but I deleted all my saves and started a new character and got past the cryo pod just fine.
Doesn't help if you want to play more than one character at once, I know, but atleast you get to play the game.
We solved it with just closing out fallout 4 all the way and then going back in.
This game is a joke. Polishing the game my ass, FO4 was rushed out the door, and Bethesda had the gall to say the game was completed ahead of schedule.
I've gone through the opening five times with no problems at all. Haven't had any problems at all in about fifteen hours of play with diffenet characters.
havent been through so many times. 3 times to try different builds.
works just fine.
hard reset of the xbox one works wonders. (unplug from outlet for 30secs or more. not to be confused with factory reset which deletes everything!)