Fallout 4 is my first of the series and I'm quite disappointed so far. It feels so dead, and I'm not talking about the post apocalyptic atmosphere, I'm talking about the environment and NPC. Every single NPC I've encountered so far, had an "I don't give a [censored] about anything" expression. Like seriously.....
Also it looks like the decisions a player makes during conversations or even to kill friendly NPC's, does not affect anything the slightest. It just doesn't feel very RPGish, more like sandbox only. A good example is, I could shoot down every single friendly NPC I encounter and not a single sh** would be given by anyone. I'm only lvl 7 and already having zero fun with Fallout 4. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? I can't kill [censored], unless they come one after another in plain sight and close enough.
As for gamepley, this is my experience with Fallout 4 so far:
* die
* die
* walk
* loot
* walk
* loot
* loot
* loot
* loot
* get attacked by 5+ at once. Impossible to survive.
* die
* walk even more
* step on a mine that gives you barely 1 sec to react, dead again
* talk to a bunch of NPC's with absolutely 0 expression
* get angry at the utterly stupid dog AI
* get even more angry at the even more utterly awesome stupid dog control mechanics on PS4
* and walk some more
* loot
* did I mention loot
* die
* oh..and back to walking
* walk slower because inventory full
* fast travel to empty inventory, no wait can't fast travel from this location
* walk again
* die
* kill all friendly npc's, just to notice that it did not impact anything at all.
* feel sad about the players little to no influence in the world of fallout 4, you're basically obsolete and could kill yourself and nobody in the Wastelands would give a dime.
* That goes the other way too, you could kill every single soul and nobody in the Wasteland would give a dime.
How can this be any entertaining

Reason I'm posting is because I'm hoping that you can confirm that the game will open up at a more advanced stage, the NPC's will become more interesting and that your actions actually matter.
I've been an idiot and bought the digital version, so can't return it

*Waves after the money*