So, Sanctuary hill right now has 35 defense for 11 people. a friggen wall around the entire neighborhood. and yet i still have an exclamation mark next to it in my pipboy.
whats the deal? does it actually mean something else?
So, Sanctuary hill right now has 35 defense for 11 people. a friggen wall around the entire neighborhood. and yet i still have an exclamation mark next to it in my pipboy.
whats the deal? does it actually mean something else?
i think defense needs to be higher.
its based on several things. not just people, but amount of food etc. etc.
Oh okay. man and i thought 33 defense for 11 ppl was enough.. okay. thank you!
i have been having this as well. I'm beginning to think that you may need to have a defence that is equal to the total number of settlers, food, water and power. I'm gonna try this tonight and see if I can get my defence to a number higher than that and see how that changes things.
I've only had one attack in a whole playthrough. Even then no one showed up. And I had some 7+ settlements at that point. It's probably faster to just clear the dust after.
Do settlements need to be more supplied/active to be a tempting target? I didn't build much but heck, I would have thought "defenseless people at this location" would at least be some sport for raiders, even if they don't have much.
Yeah same here. Only had 1 attack and that was to a small farm. But my Sanctuary has never been hit. Did you make sure you had a settler assigned to your guard posts? If you don't have a guard post and only use turrets/traps then they won't come unless fired apon.