You need to make sure you have a settler assigned to your crops. If your running out of settlers to assign then you may be growing to fast or if its the other way around then you may need to recruit more settlers. To do that you need to make the recruitment radio in the misc section of the power tab in work bench mode. Hook it up to a generator, turn it on and just wait till you get some more settlers. Remember to make new beds and that you have 1 water for each settler.
i am pritty sure that it is based on the AI's you have set to harvest not what you harvest..
Any tips where to find stuff to plant? Nearby or only on distant missions?
You can sometimes find things to plant on raiders, I found my first few tatos on raider corpses I found in random places. Also picking planted plants elsewhere, but wild mutfruits can't be planted.
Traders often have a greater variety of plants. There are melons and gourds planted behind the crafting house in Sanctuary.
edit: you can also plant the food you harvest from the plants you grow as new plants to increase your crops.
Best place to find plants is in other farms. The best plants are the Nutfruit ones. I tihnk thats how they are spelled. They give 1 food per plant and they grow abundantly in Graygarden. The robot farm in western commonwealth. They also have corn as well.
Yeh I usually harvest from other farms like the Jerk I am. There is a great Tato plant patch at Oberdon station- I think that's the first or second recruitment mission you get off Preston