They're not the only AAA company accused of this, but they're one of the few that provides tools for extensive modding.
I agree that there are a lot of WTFs, and I often wonder if they even test on PC--I know they do, but I can't believe some of their decisions. The UIs, for example, are always horrible. FOV is another typical issue, but it's easily adjustable, which isn't true for many games. for FOV, Mouse acceleration and a few other things. There are a couple of issues with FOV tweaks that didn't happen in previous games. Occasionally during the dialog zoom a small section of the screen on the right and bottom doesn't sync with the dialog mode, as if dialog mode is a window running at a smaller resolution on top of the screen. The same thing occasionally happens with scope zoom.
Anyway, saying mods make devs lazy is like saying doctors make people sick, or pipes break because of plumbers. BGS designs the game and prioritizes for what they like. Like I said, I think some of their decisions are wrong headed, but don't blame mods for that. Think of it as one of the things they do right, that also allows us to fix and expand their games.