Design Philosophy Behind Boston?

Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:49 am


I'm currently playing through Fallout 4 and enjoying it thus far, despite some odd design choices and removal of integral RPG elements, but that's for another discussion.

Anyway, I have to commend Bethesda's efforts this time around regarding the overall level design consistency throughout the map compared to their previous titles. Everything feels much more thoroughly thought out for combat scenarios and introduces various levels of heigh differences to add some variety to combat instead of your typical linear "duck behind cover and pop out to shoot" rinse and repeat cycle (early on stand out include the car factory, for example.)

However, there's one pretty glaring gripe I want to make - Boston itself. I think I understand the though process behind designing Boston - you wanted it to feel run down, cluttered, etc. to make Diamond City stand out like, well, a diamond in the rough. But it just feels too cluttered. Building in general are way too obviously copy and pasted over and over again ('cause all the buildings follow a brown-ish colour scheme/wood texture.) Most of them are not even enterable and are just placed there for decoration to bulk up the surrounding area. Plus the horrible LOD doesn't help either, it just makes everything blend together even further when viewed at a distance. They all seem randomly set-up with little to no coherence, with only the exception of a few mission specific building dotted around into the mix with empty shells filling in the gaps.

Sorry it just triggered my OCD just thinking about what went through the designers heads when they were just seemingly placing buildings randomly left, right, and centre without guidance it seems. Or am I being harsh and is it something that they meticulously went over time and time again to make sure the layout felt great? For me I can't go anywhere near Boston without muh OCD kicking in, which is a real shame. Anyone else feel the same?

Thanks B)

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louise tagg
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