A few suggestions to make the settlement building less of a frustration
1. Option to toggle the auto-snap, it can get really annoying when trying to position walls or prefab sections, i.e a concrete floor foundation with wood/metal prefab section on top , but the top part keeps snapping to the side of the floor section.
2. A grid mode (perhaps combined with grid snapping).
3. A cone of fire check when placing turrets.
4. A way to see the power transmission radius of power conduits and pylons.
5. a checkable list off all the raw resources you have in each workshop.
6. a better camera mode especially when placing sections, your chars pov restriction makes it quite frustrating at times especially due to the uneven terrain of most areas.
7. Vertical object snapping, we already have horizontal snapping for structures, vertical snapping would make stacking structures like prefabs on top of each other much easier
8. specify if the fixture or defence item is wired or wireless, some lights and turrets for example require a wire running from the nearest pylon or conduit in-order to function, meaning extra copper is needed for the wire. A simple wired or wireless label in the tooltip would be ideal.
9. The ability to resize a section, so we can get them to fit.
10. horizontal rotation to adapt to uneven terrain/ruined structures
11. the ability to remove hedges, bushes etc from settlements
12. the ability to repair existing un-scrappable structures
13. Either get rid or reduce the scrapping penalty of settlement items you have built or tie settlement item scrapping to the scrapper perk, atm if you for example scrap a small pylon which costs 2 x copper, 2 wood, 1x steel and 1x ceramic to build, but you only get 1 wood back if you scrap it.
1. The ability to designate npc no-go areas (stop stealing my bed!!).
2. auto breakdown junk items to their base components when transferred to the workshop (with the exclusion of shipments as they already have this feature), this would make keeping track of what raw materials you currently have much easier.
3. the ability to assign and monitor settler jobs via the terminal
- braziers - cheap form of lighting - Cost: 1x steel, 1x wood, 1x oil
- ceiling/wall-mounted turrets - found in many areas both in bullet and laser variants
- plasma turrets
- street lamps - Cost: 2x steel, 1x glass, 1x copper
- fusion generator - most efficient power generator that uses a fusion core instead of nuclear material
- solar panel - use in combination with wind turbines to provide cheap electricity - Cost: 1x glass, 1x aluminium, 1x copper
- laser-power transmitter (experimental idea) - used to distribute power across large distances and reduces the use of pylons and wires.
- concrete structures section in addition to wood and metal
- Telegraph poles, can be used as cheap pylons and or lighting etc - Cost: 5 wood
Feel free to add more suggestions to the list.