Hello, as you probably have guessed me and meny other creative building fanatics were extremely stoked about the new crafting and building mechanics in Fallout 4.
I for one, absolutely love building creative, complex and not least, good looking houses in any game.
But i find it hard to be satisfied with my houses in Fallout 4, and thats because of ONE reason.. There aren't many options when it comes to good looking walls and roofs, not any that looks what i call "nice" actually, except for one particular wall, but thats one of the pre-made structures that has a floor, roof and pillars attached to it.
What i HIGHLY suggest, and would be overjoyed to see is this: Have the option to make more good looking houses! For example let me have to option to build a wooden wall which is compact and without any holes or cracks, and instead have it cost more wood for example! And also allow me to paint it. Have loot that has components of which you can make different colors of paint. I, and i know many others, long for the option of being able to simply make better looking houses that can have a more "home" feel to them. And again, have them cost more materials to build.
Thank you for reading my humble suggestion.
If you consider it i would of course greatly appreciate it.
The game is absolutely amazing. Great work as always, Bethesda.
To the other members:
What do you think of this suggestion?