Pip-Boy Broken, can't use it. Xbox One

Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:32 pm

I was watching my brother play Fallout 4 on our Xbox one and he found some Power Armor that a Gunner was trying to get to, so my brother killed him before he reached it. It was T-51 power armor with just the Head and Torso. He got into it walked about 10 feet then got out to go loot. He grabbed some stuff then walked back to the Power Armor. He tried to open his Pip-Boy to equip new armor he found but the screen was blank. We could see the legend at the bottom of the screen saying to press certain buttons for things.it looked like this -----> [ (A) Stimpak (X) Radaway (RB) Show Effects (Y) Perk Chart ] but nothing else was displayed. There was no PIp-Boy to look at we could just see what we were looking at an the screen was blurry. He hadn't used a Stealth Boy and isn't in Power Armor with that invisible upgrade, even then he would be able to see the words of the Pip-boy but there is nothing on the screen. So he jumped into the Power Armor and tried to pull up the Pip-Boy menu that the Power Armor displays, it worked, we could see all the different tabs. Once he got out of the Power Armor again he tried to pull up the Pip-Boy, nothing. He quick saved and quick loaded, but the Pip-Boy was still missing. He loaded a save from before he got into the Power Armor. He was able to use the Pip-Boy again. He went through the fight and kill the Gunner headed to the Power Armor, he checked and the Pip-Boy was still working then he got into the Power Armor, then our, he tried to pull up the Pip-Boy and it was missing again, He tried using VATS and and it let him target a Rad Stag but it wouldn't let him shoot it because he didn't have enough AP even though the meter is full. Normally he is able to shoot his Laser Pistol 4 times with a max AP bar. He tried walked to his settelment tried talking to someone, still no Pip-Boy, He tried getting into a different set of Power Armor, still no Pip-Boy. We ended up having to load an old save and leave the power armor. He doesn't have this problem in his other Suit but he does in the one the Gunner tries to get into. Any idea what caused this so we can avoid the issue in the future, and maybe go back for the Power Armor?

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Robert Bindley
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